Some Help...


Hey guys,
I just found ich on my powder blue tang. I started treating him with garlic soaked brine and macro algae. I also started my UV sterilizer as well. I cannot get him or the other fish out of my display tank and there are way too many corals to try and dismantle. I can't do HYPO or copper with the inverts in the tank. Is there anything else I can do to keep it from spreading to my other fish? Thank you for your help!


I had the tang in my QT for 1 week with no problems. He did freak out when I put him in the main tank though. So basically if I understand correctly, if the symptoms don't get better... I need to tear down my reef and catch all my fish and put in QT? Thank you for your help!


Staff member
1 wk in QT is not long enough. It should be 3 min. Also, you can do hypo as a matter of course on new fish in QT---even if they don't show symptoms.
If you want to risk it, you can try using one of the "reef safe" meds. I don't recommend them and don't use them my self, but since you can't get the fish out of your tank, that is the only other alternative for "treatment". You could also get a biological cleaner to try and get the ich "picked off".