some kind of bruise or mark on my pigmi angel


ok ill start with params.
amon,ite, and ate are at "0"
ph 8 at about 2300 after the lights have been on for about 12 hrs
my glass hydrometer tests out at 1.23
temp 79-80
my tank has been set up for about 4 months total and 3 months with inverts 2.5 months with 1 pj cardinal, 1.5 months 2 false percs
now i just added about 1 week ago 1 heraldi pigmi angel nd 1 bi color cromie
ok now my prob last night i noticed a slight mark on the side of my angel. today it looks bigger. kind of like a bruise this is about the best pic i can get, he is very camera shy


Staff member
Is the flesh in that area unbroken? Does it look bloody or veiny? Is it swollen. More details about the wound itself as you really can't see that much from the pic.
Any aggression going on? How long have you had this fish?


Staff member
Is the skin boken? Do you have a magnifying glass? Can you look and see if you can get more detials on it.


a few of the scales are missing from the area and i can see a tiny spot of pink. i cant get a pic of it sorry i hope thre other 2 are good enough.


Staff member
It could be an injury. You can't really do anything about in the display. Keep an eye out at this point. Feed the fish quality and varied foods soaked in zoecon and lets see what happens.


zoacaon? i dont know if i can get that. im in the sticks and i work 2-10 and the nearest decent lfs is over 2 hrs away. the food i have is vibragrow (saltwater) and formula 1. but, i will keep a close eye on him for the next few days.


Staff member
zap, you should also try adding some variety to that food. It is Zoecon. Start shopping online. Its easy, cheaper and everything you need and want in this hobby can be had online and it comes right to your door. I live on an island with no LFS. 99% of everything I get for this hobby is online and I could not be more satisfied.