Some lighting help?


Active Member
I know a lot about other pieces of equipment, but when it comes to lighting, I am clueless. Here is my situation. I have a 29 gallon tank with a hood and some sort of lighting (again Idk). I am wanting to in the future get rid of the hood and old lighting and upgrade to something that doesn't require a hood at all. I need lighting sufficient for an anemone (I don't have anything that needs the lighting right now, but in the future...). I also don't like the hood because it is in the way and causes salt creep. What do you recommend? If I don't need a million dollar halide setup for a single anemone, then don't recommend it. Money isn't too big of an issue, but I don't want to waste money. Thanks.


Active Member
You could get a T-5 fixture that either hangs from the ceiling or has riser legs that sit on the tank. Just make sure that you get one with individual reflectors. Some good brands are TEK, Icecap and Aquatinics.


Active Member
I am looking to spend 100 bucks or less, so can I do it with that little, or should I wait? Can someone give me a link to a site that sells something that suits me?


Active Member
I would not buy a fixture that is 100 bucks or less. it is going to be trash and will not last very long. Save your money and get a descent fixture.


Active Member
How much do you think I will be spending? I still can't figure out an exact model either, my tank is 30"


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All I really want is one anemone...I don't even care what kind either, if I get one that requires low lighting, can I just upgrade a little and eliminate the hood in the process?


Active Member
you could get power compact. It is cheaper and will support an anemone in your tank. But you have to replace the bulbs more frequently and can add up.


Active Member
You might be able to support a bubble tip, long tentacle, or rose bubble tip. I'd go with something that has a little bit of a higher wattage like 2x65 instead of 1x65 because that is a little weak.


Active Member
The room that this aquarium is in is really limited on I need to be careful not to overload. My father works for a company that does fire and flood restoration, so he is very strict about that sort of thing.


Active Member
Couldnt you just run an extension cord with a power strip into another room with higher amperage and then plug the fixture into the strip?