Some new additions to the tank.


Active Member
Well went to the LFS today and saw a nice maroon and a bubble today so wife said she wanted it so i have to get it here are some pics of them. They were a pair and when i got home it hasnt went back to the bubble hope it goes back. Also have some others that we just got. Wanted to add them all in this post. A colt and a flowerpot.



Active Member
Thank you for the compliments. Well its about 2" i would say. Yes its messed up a little bit and really didnt have much light in the tank it was in i think it only had reg tank lights,but they were a pair at the lfs and my wife didnt want to break them up even though we have another BTA. And since thats one is bigger, its being hosted by the old one LOL funny how that works. Now i guess ill have to get one more and then maybe he will host in the other one. LOL Is there a chance that i can get another maroon clown to put in my tank? Or is there anything else i can put in there? Kinda borning with 3 fish now since i got rid of my 2 false percs. I have a royal gramma, and 1 green chromis and now my maroon clown. Dont know if inverts count for taking space in the tank but i also have a fire shrimp, and a sally lightfoot crab. and a red fromia starfish. If anyone has any ideas of a nice looking fish i could put in there i would appricate it. Oh one more thing its a 29 Gallon tank. I appricate your help and thank you everyone that has helped me out in the past. This site is a great place to tlak with others about everything. Not to many people around here et in to SW or none that i can really find.


You have chosen a very difficult coral by getting the flowerpot. Give it turbid water and feed it often, and plenty of light. I hear of as many of those dying as I do anemones.


Active Member
well ty for responding to my post. i didnt think it would be that hard to take are of and the guy at the LFS said is was very hardy. What is the best thing to feed it and also the best way to feed it. What is turbid water? Also i have been feeding food processed seafood form the store. Should i cahnge do something else? if so what do you recomend? i was thinking mystic shrimp is that good?


Etymology: Latin turbidus confused, turbid, from turba confusion, crowd, probably from Greek tyrbE confusion
1 a : thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sediment <a turbid stream> b : heavy with smoke or mist
2 a : deficient in clarity or purity : FOUL, MUDDY <turbid depths of degradation and misery -- C. I. Glicksberg> b : characterized by or producing obscurity (as of mind or emotions) <an emotionally turbid response>
Goniopora / Flowerpot coral Majority do not survive past 6 months in reef tanks, but some do. Appears to require relatively 'dirty' water with heavy organics in order to survive. The candidates with the best chance of survival include the purple and pink varieties or the related Alveopora.
I believe you want to talk to Mudplayerx ~ I believe I recently read a thread where he stated that he has one. Perhaps he can give you some feeding tips.
I think its safe to tell you politly that its time you look first, ask and research second, before getting anymore corals. Its really no problem for some of us to chip in with our experience and give you warnings about fish and corals. Just start a new thread like:
"Flowerpot coral" ~ in the reef forum.
Hi, I was looking at my LFS and saw a flowerpot coral and would like to know if anyone has any experience with it and what it takes to care for one. I have a XY gallon tank with WZ pounds of liverock, my lighting is xxxPC, VHO ...whatever with X.X watts per gallon .
You know something like that.
I'm not trying to be rude but since I've been there through some of your trials with you, I can only hope that you will accept my suggestion for research before purchase. Flowerpots are a difficult coral and as Bob Fenner puts it "A solid Loser"


Active Member
well i appriacte your help. I aske the guy at the LFS and he said they are very easy to take care of. So taking his adive i didnt think it was a bad idea. Well i really havent had any bad things besides when my BTA got stuck in the filter tube. Now its been doing very good, also since i got my maroon its seem to be doing very good. So since it needs somewhat dirty water having it with an anemone isnt a good idea? But once again i appricate your help. Mine is more green and brownish i would say. Well im going to see how it does i should be able to take care of it since im home all day.


Active Member
thank you i found that by looking at some of the post he posted and i added on to it . i appricate your help.


Active Member
also another thing i wanted to ask you. Since i got my new maroon clown i cant really put in another one. I wanted to add more fish in my tank well atleast one more. Right now i have a royal gramma and a green chromis and the marron. Do you recommend anything that i can put in there that will be able to be in my 29 gallon and also get along with the other fish?