Etymology: Latin turbidus confused, turbid, from turba confusion, crowd, probably from Greek tyrbE confusion
1 a : thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sediment <a turbid stream> b : heavy with smoke or mist
2 a : deficient in clarity or purity : FOUL, MUDDY <turbid depths of degradation and misery -- C. I. Glicksberg> b : characterized by or producing obscurity (as of mind or emotions) <an emotionally turbid response>
Goniopora / Flowerpot coral Majority do not survive past 6 months in reef tanks, but some do. Appears to require relatively 'dirty' water with heavy organics in order to survive. The candidates with the best chance of survival include the purple and pink varieties or the related Alveopora.
I believe you want to talk to Mudplayerx ~ I believe I recently read a thread where he stated that he has one. Perhaps he can give you some feeding tips.
I think its safe to tell you politly that its time you look first, ask and research second, before getting anymore corals. Its really no problem for some of us to chip in with our experience and give you warnings about fish and corals. Just start a new thread like:
"Flowerpot coral" ~ in the reef forum.
Hi, I was looking at my LFS and saw a flowerpot coral and would like to know if anyone has any experience with it and what it takes to care for one. I have a XY gallon tank with WZ pounds of liverock, my lighting is xxxPC, VHO ...whatever with X.X watts per gallon .
You know something like that.
I'm not trying to be rude but since I've been there through some of your trials with you, I can only hope that you will accept my suggestion for research before purchase. Flowerpots are a difficult coral and as Bob Fenner puts it "A solid Loser"