some new pics


hey everyone thought i would post some pics of new fish and new rockwork i have alot of algea cause of my new lights hopefully it will stop growing as fast as it ya go
here is my sixline and green chromis
here is my sixline with yellow polyps
my mushrooms and cherub and chromis
my shrooms again with grose brown algea that i hope will go away does anyone know how to get rid of algea besides physical ways like any supliments i could put in the tank???
here is the new cherub angelfish with yellow polyps
here is the cherub and chromis and yellow polyps again
and my BEAutiful cherub with shrooms
last but not least the full tank shot
thats all for now i couldnt get any pics of my scooter blenny he just doesnt stay still lol


Active Member
just some help..
i use photobucket too
if you open with paint and resize the image then send it to photobucket then you can copy n paste the 3rd bar of info under the pic into this text box then it will appear without a link


well i just have one BIG turbo but he likes to climb on the LR and i think that would affect the corals i would get in the future but idk what do u guys think, ill prolly get some astreas from some where, wut do u guys think, the cherub is so cool i love the lil guy/girl lol im thinking of getting a frogspawn and like 3 kinds of zoos and a brain before i will let it grow cause i have to save up for a snowboarding trip in montana so yeah that will be my plan till after the trip


got my last coral till my trip is over i got some orange button polyps their sweet but all of the sudden my wrasse and cherub are fighting like crazy and kinda makin me mad the cherub looks like he is winning but the sixline wrasse doesnt have a scratch on him and the cherub has alot so idk its very wierd they go in cicrles around the rocks then just kill each other and i dont like it at all has anyone expierenced this????


Active Member
Dont really now what to tell u about them fighting. Start up a new thread about the issue and I'm sure someone can help u. Sorry I couldnt help u.


well they stopped fighting now idk what it was alll about but i got some new coral orange zoos there pretty sweet ill get some pics soon and i have a question i have a crap ton of coral on my glass and substrate and rocks is this good cause i dont like it and my tank gets dirty fast like 2 days the glass is full of brown algea would it have to do with my tank being open top or no tell me what to do to stop this because i really dont like cleaning it every 2 days :notsure:


no i am using tap dont have enough to get a RO UNIT and i dont really need one its just the algae i bought a magnet its helping im prolly gonna get soem astreas to or some more turbos idk but i have a ? my orange zoos some of them are open some are closed some are half ways open waht is wrong with this do they still need tiime to settle in or what is it the tap water??????