Some Newb questions


New Member
Hi, I have some previous SW experience, but I wanted to try my hand at reefs. And space is a bit of an issue. I have a 29 gallon I'd like to make a nanoreef out of. I have a 65 W power compact white light and a regular flourescent actinic. My filter is a fluval 404 cannister, and I have a HOB skimmer rated for 75 to 100 gallons. (I need to dig this out of the basement still, so i dont have the exact specs on it). The water is cycled, and the cleaner crew is established. I was thinking about a pistol shrimp/goby and some mushroom rock. Does anyone have any input? How much bioload is too much? Any thoughts, comments etc would be welcomed and appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
Well if your gonna make a reef out of this tank you will need more powerfull lighting. A vho set up at the very least. I personally suggest running a MH on that tank, that way you can get pretty much anything you like later on down the road.