Some Pic of my tank. New to saltwater


Active Member

Welcome to SWF
Nice pics, so give us some specs. Age, Size, Lights, Filtration, Stock.etc.


The damsils were to cycle. And yes a very big mistake. The tank was full of affricans and the LPS owner is a real good friend. I gave him the affricans, he have me the live CC and live rockand 8 damcils out of a tank that was already set up and running. I dont know how but I never had over .25 amo and the nitrites and nitrates never got out of the safe range. He also has a tank cleaning business and gave me a bundle of little critters from some of the Dr's and Lawyer's tanks. It has been up and going about 12 weeks. The light is a 48 in delux lunar series with 2 65 watt true actinic 3 compact florescent lamps, two 65 10,000K compact florescent lamps, four 3/4 watt lunar blue_moon.


Oceanic 75 trickle sump with a skimmer. Not sure of the name of it but it is doing a good job. Ialso have two 1200 power heads with spounges attached.
the sump has a 1800 power head for o return


Active Member
Nice tank. So far you have been lucky with that large of a bioload on such a new tank. Keep up frequent water changes and do not over feed.