Some pics of my 12gal and some ?s :)


New Member
Let me know what you guys think...the tank is about 5 weeks old. I just added the yellow polyps which are doing great and green star polyps which haven't opened yet(its been about 24hrs). Should I be worried? I had the gsp at the top of the rock and figured they might have been to close to the light so I moved them down to where you see them now. Also this morning they looked like they were getting ready to open and I added Kent Marine ion and buffer system to it(lfs recommended it) and they went back in and haven't seen them since :( Any ideas?
Also please comment on the tank... to much rock?



Active Member
wow man really nice rock work! i really like it!
now dont add anything till everything opens. some lfs may lie to you so before anything check with a local reefer. also dont move corals around. the more you move them the longer they take to open when they are new ones
+1 nissan yeap hold off, r those zo's or starpolyps in the second pic im on m phone i cant really tell they looooook super compact amazin if they r zo's but the tanks looks really sweet


New Member
They were sold to me as green star polyps, they looked awesome open. I just checked this morning ...nothing, still closed. If I remeber correctly the lfs told me it might take up to three days to open, not sure. Does that sound right?
yeap can be that long, usually next day they will show a sign or 2, but dont worry just make sure water is fine and lighting and they should open soon


New Member
I am going to take the water today to the lfs, I ran out of test. But as of late last week everything was perfect. Just to note I added like 6 lbs of live rock along with the yellow ployps and green star ployops. The yellows are doing great.
Also I did a 10% water change this morning to suck out some worm that were on top of the gsp.
Last thing :) ..... There is this little thing that looks like a fan that pops out of the gsp. It does it every ten-30 secs. It pops out spins around and goes in???


New Member
I have tried to get it when it pops out,but no luck. If you look at the 2nd pic there is a small hole toward the bottom right of the piece of gsp and thats where it pops out of.


New Member
awesome :) I am home now so I' ll be taking the water to get tested. Are there any kits you reccommend that are easy to read/use. The one I had sucked.


New Member
tanks doing good. I got my water checked and everything is good, so its just a waiting game. The gsp came out (about 10%) and started looking like they were all rady to go and one of my emerald carbs got on top of it. End of that, so I waiting again.
I noticed that I have a hole(s) in my live rock that keep shooting out white stuff(kinda look like like snow). Its getting all over the tank. Any ideas?