Some Pics of my 3 month old 75 gal.


Here are some pictures of my 75gal. I use a Proclear Pro75 filter. Light is a 265 watt PC
Tank Mates Included
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Atlantic Tang
1 Blue Hippo Tang
2 Perc. Clowns
1 Domino Damsel
5 Green Chromis
1 FireFish Goby
1 Snowflake Eel
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
Various Snails and Crabs
Green Zoo
Cup Coral
Flower Coral
And acouple of anemones



I love you tank. I'm sure you will probably get flamed for three tangs in a 75, and the anenomes with the pc lighting, but I think it looks real good. Clean and clear. They way they should be.


Active Member
i have 3 yellow tangs and one blue tang in a 90 gal. its pretty hard to keep my blue tang from not getting ick. hes gotten it twice and the yellow tangs are doing great.


All of my tangs get along great!!! The one fish I have a problem with is my Domino, he likes to chase my chromis and clowns to the corner. Does anyone near want a Domino, he is a great fish for beginners, he is good size too. Also how does everyone go about the ick thing in you tanks???


do your fish have ich? you really can't keep those 3 tangs in a 75


Active Member
I am sorry to say that that is definitely way too many fish for a 75 gallon tank. You will most likely not be able to sustain any tangs in there long term. Hopefully, you have a VERY large tank upgrade planned for the very near future.