Some pics of my Pond. Please critique.


I like the bridge ,the waterfall and we have the same fountain. I think it would look better with natural rock around the edge versus the concrete pavers. Is that loose gravel on the bottom? if so, it may be troublesome down the road as far as cleaning goes.
Goldfish? under the brige in the second pic? got any cats? dry catfood works great for goldfish, my dad fed it to his fish for years. We try to keep goldfish here, between the hurricanes and the egrets we haven't had much luck.
My was looking at the pictures and she suggested more greenery, flowers around the edge of the pond or aquatic plants in the pond.
thanks for sharing your pics and good luck, hope you enjoy it


Ponds CAN be expensive but can also be quite affordable.
We have a 5500 gallon koi pond out back with two waterfalls and 3 500 sumps that are actually filter chambers. The system is SO large in fact that we rarely have to do anything to it and the water stays pristine.

The only thing I might recommend highly for your pond Ray is some sort of sunshield. Ours blocks I believe 65% of the light and REALLY cuts down on the nasty algae.


Active Member
NIce looking little pond. I am afraid the gravel / rock on the bottom is gonna give problems later on when it starts to accumulate nasty junk and lead to off water parameters. A plain bottom is best when it comes to cleaning and health and maintenance. I see you used what looks like cypress perhaps, mulch around the pond. Depending on the winds etc in your area, it may wind up in the pond and yet one more organic item to foul the water and filter. Lithrope (MOnkey type or mondo) grasses do very well around the edges of a pond as such and help keep any mulch from washing or blowing into the pond, and it gives it a nice accent that does not normally need any maintenance.
We used to keep gf and koi in the numerous preforms andliner type ponds around the house in addition to the 2, natural ponds, but now al we keep in the preforms and liner ponds are the tropical fish from inside the house, which we move outside about MArch and bring back in around Late November or so. They do very well and are virtually trouble free for 9 months of the year and do just perfect, and look good in these ponds. SInce it doe snot get overly cold in the winter, we have one pond we have a heat system in (home brew from a hot tub heater) that we house tropicals in which have actually grown to large to go back in the tanks we have inside.......Tropicals canand do grow so much bigger and nicer outside in a pond than any tank.


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Very nice looking, I am looking to put a pond in my back yard, was it very expensive?
No, it was'nt expensive at all. Maybe $500.
I did'nt really keep track.


Originally Posted by dadummy
I like the bridge ,the waterfall and we have the same fountain. I think it would look better with natural rock around the edge versus the concrete pavers. Is that loose gravel on the bottom? if so, it may be troublesome down the road as far as cleaning goes.
Goldfish? under the brige in the second pic? got any cats? dry catfood works great for goldfish, my dad fed it to his fish for years. We try to keep goldfish here, between the hurricanes and the egrets we haven't had much luck.
My was looking at the pictures and she suggested more greenery, flowers around the edge of the pond or aquatic plants in the pond.
thanks for sharing your pics and good luck, hope you enjoy it
Yeah, that is loose gravel. It has'nt been a problem yet. But thanks for the heads up.
Those are gold fish, I do have a cat, but I don't have to worry about it. My winnie dog in the third pic is the one that keeps jumping in and pulling out all the fish. LOL.
Shes a killer. This is'nt our first pond, we had one about 2-3 years ago. We put a couple catfish in it, and we walked out side a little bit later and she had done drug everyone of the catfish out and laid them on the bank. She was just standing next to them, soak and wet. :hilarious The reason she loves ponds so much, is because thats where she came from about 9 years ago. She lived right next to a natural pond that she would run around all day. I have put more plants and flowers around since those pics, it really does make it look better.
Thanks for all the input.


Originally Posted by NudiLove
Ponds CAN be expensive but can also be quite affordable.
We have a 5500 gallon koi pond out back with two waterfalls and 3 500 sumps that are actually filter chambers. The system is SO large in fact that we rarely have to do anything to it and the water stays pristine.

The only thing I might recommend highly for your pond Ray is some sort of sunshield. Ours blocks I believe 65% of the light and REALLY cuts down on the nasty algae.
Thanks for the advice, I will try and get something to shade the sun out.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
NIce looking little pond. I am afraid the gravel / rock on the bottom is gonna give problems later on when it starts to accumulate nasty junk and lead to off water parameters. A plain bottom is best when it comes to cleaning and health and maintenance. I see you used what looks like cypress perhaps, mulch around the pond. Depending on the winds etc in your area, it may wind up in the pond and yet one more organic item to foul the water and filter. Lithrope (MOnkey type or mondo) grasses do very well around the edges of a pond as such and help keep any mulch from washing or blowing into the pond, and it gives it a nice accent that does not normally need any maintenance.
We used to keep gf and koi in the numerous preforms andliner type ponds around the house in addition to the 2, natural ponds, but now al we keep in the preforms and liner ponds are the tropical fish from inside the house, which we move outside about MArch and bring back in around Late November or so. They do very well and are virtually trouble free for 9 months of the year and do just perfect, and look good in these ponds. SInce it doe snot get overly cold in the winter, we have one pond we have a heat system in (home brew from a hot tub heater) that we house tropicals in which have actually grown to large to go back in the tanks we have inside.......Tropicals canand do grow so much bigger and nicer outside in a pond than any tank.
It's been a couple months, and we really have'nt had a problem with the mulch. So hopefully there won't be. Also, thanks for the advice about the grasses, I'll try that.


Active Member
For osme of the wifes ponds we simply use a large el cheap market umbrella. I set a piece of 2" PVC pipe into the ground, and we simply stand the umbrella up in it for a stand. They are available up to 9' or so in diameter, and look pretty good, yet provide sufficient shade on those hot days. We buy el cheapo's at Big Lots for $19 each..and they have outlasted osme of our higher priced umbrellas and still look fine.
Love the dachshund better though. We have 4 of them. 2 short hair and 2 long hair.....Ours also loves the water, and spends a lot of time in the 1.5 acre pond. We have to keep em run out of the others as they tear up the plants etc. Chaseing frogs, going after fish etc.....3 weeks ago two of them tangled up with a huge timber rattler. One was bitten two times and the other was bitten once. Was touch and go for awhile but $700+ later both are back to normal and just two days or so ago, they jumped a 6' grey rat snake...they just never learn. Luckily it was not a venomous one like the rattlesnake was....When they tangled with the rattler they were in the fenced in yard at the side of the house where they stay when outside without supervison.....


Thanks for the umbrella idea. Dachsunds are
They will try to attack anything. I'm glad yours are OK.


I LOVE the little dock! It's adorable! Very nice pond! I would suggest some natural pond plants rather than the fake lillies. Post updated pics later this summer. I love to see other's ponds. I'll post a pic of mine from last year.
Great boxer too! Ours absolutely cannot swim. First dog I ever met that couldn't swim. Does your boxer swim?



Originally Posted by tnt
I LOVE the little dock! It's adorable! Very nice pond! I would suggest some natural pond plants rather than the fake lillies. Post updated pics later this summer. I love to see other's ponds. I'll post a pic of mine from last year.
Great boxer too! Ours absolutely cannot swim. First dog I ever met that couldn't swim. Does your boxer swim?
Thanks for the compliments. I don't know if my boxer can swim or not. :notsure: I thought anything with four legs could swim. I must be wrong LOL
I built the dock myself. It only took about an hour. I have gotten a few compliments on it.
I will be getting some more pond plants in the near future. I think the fake lillies look bad, but they provide some shade for the goldfish. Thanks again.