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I like the bridge ,the waterfall and we have the same fountain. I think it would look better with natural rock around the edge versus the concrete pavers. Is that loose gravel on the bottom? if so, it may be troublesome down the road as far as cleaning goes.
Goldfish? under the brige in the second pic? got any cats? dry catfood works great for goldfish, my dad fed it to his fish for years. We try to keep goldfish here, between the hurricanes and the egrets we haven't had much luck.
My was looking at the pictures and she suggested more greenery, flowers around the edge of the pond or aquatic plants in the pond.
thanks for sharing your pics and good luck, hope you enjoy it
Yeah, that is loose gravel. It has'nt been a problem yet. But thanks for the heads up.
Those are gold fish, I do have a cat, but I don't have to worry about it. My winnie dog in the third pic is the one that keeps jumping in and pulling out all the fish. LOL.
Shes a killer. This is'nt our first pond, we had one about 2-3 years ago. We put a couple catfish in it, and we walked out side a little bit later and she had done drug everyone of the catfish out and laid them on the bank. She was just standing next to them, soak and wet. :hilarious The reason she loves ponds so much, is because thats where she came from about 9 years ago. She lived right next to a natural pond that she would run around all day. I have put more plants and flowers around since those pics, it really does make it look better.
Thanks for all the input.