some questions for a 125gal sps tank i am starting.


New Member
Ok have a few questions on a used 125gal tank I picked up. The tank is 72” x 18.5” and 23.25” deep. It has two 250w MH and then two t5 for actinic. So I want to make this a SPS tank. I have a 90 with softies. I am taking my time getting it all set up have to do some work to the wood work on the stand and hood. So my first question is will the two MH work? Should I go with 10k like I have in my 90? The tank also come with a Berlin x2 turbo skimmer and I don’t know if that will be good for a SPS what do you guys think? I will have a 30gal sump and also thinking about linking another 30gal for a refugee. Was going to make the one 30gal a sump and refugee but I didn’t like how small the refugee would be when I had to add the room for the skimmer and the one 30gal that come with the tank has like some of mud filter on it to that takes up room and is silicone in. I hope I gave you guys the info you need to help me out and any hints, tips and other equiment I going to need for making this a sps tank is highly welcome. I want to do this right the first time because I know buy experience once you have it up and running changing things can be a pain.


Active Member
seems like you have the start of a nice SPS set up. i dont know about a refugee , but a refugium will do your tank wonders, the bigger the better. go as big as you can handle. you need to think about FLOW in terms of GPH's. what will you do for it? SPS demand the most flow of any other type of tank. consider drilling and plumbing a closed loop system, a wave maker perhaps or some high-power PH's. also consider your method for keeping up with the calcium and alk. needs of an SPS dominated tank. if it is all SPS, you probably will need to step it up to a calcium reactor.


Active Member
if you are worried about your fuge size, make your fuge a secondary display tank and have them use a common sump. i am all for display fuges. i think a planted salt tank can look just as good as a straight up reef.
lighting wise, 250watt mh's should be good being as the tank is only 2 feet deep. 10ks get better growth, 20ks show better color but more blue hues. 14ks are right in the middle.


New Member
Thanks for the help. I know darn spell check in word didn’t like refugium so I was thinking I spell it wrong so refugee looked close. On the flow I will have a 1500 gph pump running the sump don’t know what the gph will be once the pluming is done. Then have a few koralia 4 for the tank. Can you have to much water movement for sps? I am thinking on adding a calcium reactor and a kalkwasser mixer to my top off line. Any more help for my guys that are running good sps tanks?