some questions


Active Member
hey guys, i know some of you are prolly gettin a lil tired of all the non stop questions lol especially since i dont have a tank yet, but, i got a good set of questions for you guys LOL
a. how exactly would you guys set up a 33g or 40g long tank? i mean the full set up, minus the fish of course LOL
b. how much would said set-up weigh, just tank and gear, no stand?
c. roughly how many fish, community, could be fit into said tank, taking into mind its going to be a FOWLR tank, with lots of LR?
thanks guys and girls


A. add water and salt, let it aerate and test so specific gravity is 1.025 or 1.026. Add live rock first. You should have at least 1.5 to 2 pounds per gallon. Add sand and wait.
B. this is a link to a tank weight calculator.
C. The rule of thumb is one fish for every 5 gallons of water, but you need to be careful becuase some fish need more swimming room than others.
Hope this helps, and hopefully the link isn't any violation of SWF rules, if so delete and I apologize.


I know its exciting to want to add new fish right away once you have a tank set up but you should wait until your tank fully cycles. This usually takes a few weeks. Once you start to add new fish make sure that you dont add too many too fast b/c it will shock your tank and your levels will spike.
I also suggest spending good money on a really good protein skimmer. The better the skimmer, the healthier your tank, and the more fish you can potentially add.
There are many good post on right equiptment so search around to see what people find best for a smaller tank your size.
Keeping your fish healthy? What about your body?