Some Random New Pics


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thanks for the kind words...
thats actually some from my 300 gallon tank and i use my 55 gallon fuge as a reef tank so it is two different tanks i suppose
the second pic is a hairy mushroom, i will get better pics as the shroom has some amazing colors to it
and the 4th pic is actually a GIGANTIC elephant ear its about the size of a basketball,,i love that piece but it is known to consume small fish..literally!


Active Member
i have one as well that is that size as well, i have been searching to find out what it was and you my dear hve finnaly given me the answer
thank you
o ya mine loves small fish to it just ate one of my clownfish grrrrr i could not believe it
what do u feed yours


Active Member
i feed mine everythign from mysis, to regular shrimp, formula cubes, squiddd etc... it eats everything!


Active Member
those are some really nice Volitans .... I'm about to get one myself and I was just wondering .. what do you feed them?


Active Member
if you dont mind me asking what did you pay for yours and how big was it when you got it


that plate coral is really cool I have not seen one like that before


Active Member
Jam1e those are some really nice Volitans .... I'm about to get one myself and I was just wondering .. what do you feed them?
the russels is actually smaller than the volitan,, the volitan IS HUGE but i gues you cant really see it good int e pics, however i feed them large silversides alogn with shrimp , squidd and clams
BabyB if you dont mind me asking what did you pay for yours and how big was it when you got it
i paid $30 bucks for mine it was a STEAL since i spent over $300 at the store he was giving me great deals, but when i got it , it was about the size of a grapefruit maybe a little larger but its is DEF the diameter of a basketball now
thanks for all the kind words


Active Member
this guy i know was looking to get rid of them since he had three the smae size and they were taking his tank over so i got it dirt cheap..their alot of fun and real easy to care for they can stand alot and they just keep growin!!