Some trigger questions

the dude

New Member
Ok: i hav esome questions regarding triggers. My 2 favorites are the two humu triggers (picasso-Rhinecanthus aculeatus, and rectangular-Rhinecanthus aculeatus). I know these 2 fish should not be kept togather because of their identical body shape, but what do any of you guys think, just your 2 cents please.
Triggers and snails? anybody have any expierience with triggers eating things like turbo snails. I know they eat pretty much everything else.
Tank specs are 90 gal with lr. Live sand over dolomite and curshed coral with a plenum. wet dry, protein skimmer. 1200 gph flow.


LionFish says....
This is how it goes with triggers. First of all I will not put 2 triggers together in any tank. Very true that the Niger is the calm one out of the family but that doesn't mean that they're going to get along with each other. Triggers, for the reason of the same body shape, don't get along well. I suppose if you have a large enough tank you could have two of the same kind but then you always have to factor in the size and triggers don't stay little. Will triggers eat your snails? Yes, I couldn't exclamate that any more. Triggers will eat every last invert in your tank if given the chance.Some of you might be sayin' "I have 2 triggers in my tank and they're fine" Well this may be true.... for now. I know for a fact that the larger the trigger gets the meaner it gets. And it don't matter how large a tank you have triggers will take their territory and defend it to the death. So, I hope this give you a little insight on what to do. My suggestion is to get one of those triggers and get another fish like a lion or grouper or puffer or what ever you want.
[This message has been edited by lionfish (edited 12-21-2000).]