Some updated pics from my 70 gal!


Active Member
Wow... That last pic is for sure... You need to buy some pods for that little guy... I would guess you have a week or two before he kicks it. I am not crucifying you for the purchase I had one as well. Just get a vial of pods from an online site... That should help boost his diet..


Active Member
Ive had that guy( the mandaran) for 3 months, and i have an abundance of Pods. I also feed live brine shrimp 3 times a week. I rescued the little red scooter last week from the lfs. i have 2 other scooters that ive had for over a yr. . thanx


Active Member
I wasnt trying to attack you or your skills in this hobby. I was just suggesting that you might want to try getting it back in shape by adding pods...


Active Member
Blemmy Guy, GREAT tank. Always a pleasure to see fellow "Okies" on here. Enjoyed the pics.


Active Member
Thanx to you all! And Howdy Hot!! Glad to see another Okie too!!! Not too many of us in here!! Im at a loss to Hunter's location though? I thought i new most of the towns in okla. But ive never heard of that one! Thanx Jayc i appreciate it , and dont worry Madd1 i was just lettin ya know that ive had real good luck with scooters, there one of my favs. Thanx again to you all


Active Member
"and dont worry Madd1 i was just lettin ya know that ive had real good luck with scooters, there one of my favs. Thanx again to you all"
Awesome.. Didnt want to make you mad... Just never know what people have kept or how much they know about a species. I would rather share my experiences than watch people lose their money Ya dig??? Anyway, The tank looks great and good luck with that Dragon... They are great fish... Mine died on my when I left for vacation and the tank went up to 95+ degrees... Came back to a lot of dead stuff... Real bummer ya know?


Active Member
Wow Todd,
I can only dream about my tank looking as clean, healthy, and happy as yours!!
I do have a question if you don't mind. Is there any way of getting rid of spirobid worm tubes, short of scraping? I have a lot of them and I don't want to scrape them because I also have a lot of coraline forming where they are, and where I want it. Will they eventually go away by themselves?

Again, really, really beautiful tank.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
TheMadd i rescently lost a few corals to the same problem while i was on vacation. That was in my bigger tank. Made me sick! Monalisa i just leave them on the back wall of the tank, and i clean the other walls with a mag-float everyother day. And thanx rberhow for the compliments. thanx to you all for that! hopefully there will be more to come!!