Some Updated Pics!!!!!! Of my 30gl.


Here are some pics I just took today. I have added a couple more things to my tank since my last pics. Please tell me what you think.



I have had him, for 1-2 months. No, I don't spot feed him. He seems to be fine without being spot fed.
Thanks for the compliment.
Keep em coming.


New Member
Nice tank.
Do your damsels ever go after the clowns? I have a similar sized tank but worry about getting clowns because my damsels are pretty big already.


hey i love the tank and im getting ready to set up my own 30 gallon in a few weeks and was just having a few questions about your tank... do you have a sump.... im planning on having a 10 gallon sump to go with my 30 gallon... what size is your sump if you have one... and what size of protien skimmer and what brand....


Active Member
nice tank, how old is it, and how many fish do you have and are you planning on any more? i also have a 30 gal reef, so im just curious.
Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
hey i love the tank and im getting ready to set up my own 30 gallon in a few weeks and was just having a few questions about your tank... do you have a sump.... im planning on having a 10 gallon sump to go with my 30 gallon... what size is your sump if you have one... and what size of protien skimmer and what brand....
ill try and help to since i have a 30 also. i have a sump, its a 10 gallon tank and im going to be turning half of it into a refugium. i have a coralife super skimmer, its rated for up to 65 gallon tanks and its real easy to use/ maintain and it pulls out a LOT of junk. HTH


lol i got a 30g too
! whats with these 30's? their every where
. anyway i dont have a sump or a skimmer on mine but i realy realy realy want a skimmer! i'm fairly new so uh how would the super skimmer work out with a newb? i never had a skimmer before so just wondering :notsure: ..... nice tank by the way great job! what lighting do you have?


oh and how does your clown do with your 3 stripe? i have two clowns and a 3 stripe damsel and too and it's pretty wierd but my clowns kinda chase around the damsel every now and then even thought the damsel is a tad bigger..... do yours do the same?


Active Member
Originally Posted by arsen_36
lol i got a 30g too
! whats with these 30's? their every where
. anyway i dont have a sump or a skimmer on mine but i realy realy realy want a skimmer! i'm fairly new so uh how would the super skimmer work out with a newb? i never had a skimmer before so just wondering :notsure: ..... nice tank by the way great job! what lighting do you have?

all saltwater tanks should have skimmers. LR or a filter of some type is good, but a skimmer pulls out all the waste produced by fish and the toxins produced by corals. the coralife skimmer is really great, ive had no problems so far, and ive had it for 3 months. and it is extremely easy to use, even for a newby.


Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. But to answer questions, I use a Odyssea PS 75 Protein Skimmer. It works pretty good. It is rated for up to a 75 gl tank. It is a HOB. I don't have a sump. I don't like setting them up.LOL.
I had one before. For me, a sump was just a problem. I had a couple accidents with my sump where my main tank lost most of the water. Thats why I don't use one.
I have six fish.
2 Oscelleris clowns.
1 three stripe damsel
1 electric blue damsle
1 yellow tail damsel
1 neon dottie back
My 3 stripe chases the clowns, (and every other fish) but he don't hurt them. He will kill any other fish I put in there though. I had to put him in an isolation tank for about a week, while I put the clowns in the main tank. He left them alone after that. My three stripe and yellow tail were my very first fish, so I guess my three stripe thinks he owns the tank.LOL. He is very aggressive. He bites me when I put my hand in the tank. If I remember it, I'll post a pic of my arm after he attacks me. He leaves some pretty big bite marks.
I also have 60-75 lbs of LR. And 1-1.5 inch sand bed. I do 5 gl water change each week. and I have 150watt 14K MH and 2-65watt Actinic PC's 10" off the tank.
As for the rest of the live stock, (hope no police see this.LOL)
1 Sea Hare
1 Arrow Crab
1 Blue linkia star
2 Turbo Snails
3-5 Hermits
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Camel Shrimp
Frogs Spawn
Pom Pom Coral
Yellow Polyps
Unidentified Polyps
Green Goniporia
2 Urchins
I think thats it.

Thanks for all the compliments. I really apreciate it. Keep em coming along with the questions. Happy to answer any of them. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by arsen_36
oh and is that an arrow crab i see? i want to get one but i heard they get huge....

they are supposed to be in big tanks, but ive never had one, soo i really dont have any input on them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
is the coral life super skimmer an insump model???

it can hang on the back of the tank, or go in a sump/tank. i have mine hanging on the back of my sump. personally, i would get a ten gallon tank and use it as a sump/ fuge for your heater and this skimmer, because its not gunna look pretty in your tank, or even hanging on the side.


They (arrow crab) are supposed to be in tanks of 100 gls or more. But my brother went behind my back at the LFS and bought it . So I'm stuck with it. He seems to do fine in my 30 gl. I spot feed him and he takes shrimp right from my hand. I also forgot to put that I have 3 emerald crabs.
My brother sees something he likes, and gets it. He don't ask me first. And of course the Employee at the LFS says its fine
. The arrow crab is fun to watch though.


Originally Posted by teen
it can hang on the back of the tank, or go in a sump/tank. i have mine hanging on the back of my sump. personally, i would get a ten gallon tank and use it as a sump/ fuge for your heater and this skimmer, because its not gunna look pretty in your tank, or even hanging on the side.
I agree that they don't look good hanging on the tank. But I will never do a sump again, I won't take the chance. But don't let me scare you out of doing a sump. They are good to have
. I just prefer not to have one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ray28576
I agree that they don't look good hanging on the tank. But I will never do a sump again, I won't take the chance. But don't let me scare you out of doing a sump. They are good to have
. I just prefer not to have one.
lol, im scared of my sump draining my tank and flowing water through my house also. i only have one so it hides my skimmer and heater, and i can turn half of it into a fuge.