Some Weird Worm??? Please Identify!!!


I came down this morning to find this weird worm in my tank. It was very flat and stuck to the glass. I thought maybe it was a flatworm, but all pictures I have found these are red and as you can see this worm is very clear/white. It is about 2 - 3 inches long. To be on the safe side I took it out of the tank. Please identify for me...THANKS!!!


No clue, but by the shape it looks to be parasitic. I'd not return it to my tank unless you get a positive ID.


This is the only one I have seen, but like any worms I am sure there are more. What can I do to kill them all???


Active Member
do you have any clams? if you do, they actually camoflauge (sp?) themselves to the color the mantle is and eat the clams. keep an eye on them and watch out for movement on the mantle.
just be glad it is so huge, you should be able to see them.