somebody help me setup a 10g reef tank


New Member
i want a 10g reef tank to start with and then a add 1clown fish 1clown goby and 1 green clown goby i need some help all i have is a 10g tank and a filter
p.s. is a 10g reef tank going to cost a lot of $$ all i want is it to be done for less then $150 that i want it to be done for less then $100 but if it will cost a lot i will spend $150


Active Member
If you are going for a reef tank, I'm afraid it's going to cost a lot more than $150..
If you want to do a fish only, you MIGHT be able to go under $150, but I doubt it, if you want to do it right


New Member
most people with the 10 gallon reef either: have been doing reef for a long time, go nuts trying to keep everything where it should be (read alive), or have a hidden sump/fuge twice as big as the tank for stability.


Active Member
I think your best bet would be a fish only tank (maybe two clowns if you want), and a little live rock, and if you wanted for looks some fake corals


Active Member
You might want to check out the Nano forum of this board. Might help you out. BTW the concensus of this board is that small tanks are harder to take care of than larger tanks. It is too easy for things to go out of whack with a small tank.


New Member
O.K. so you guys are telling me that i need to start with a fish only tank but if i do a fish only tank i will get a 20 or 29g if it will be less then $100 or $150


i had a 10g setup for 4 months with just lr and ls and 2 damsels. It was fairly easy to keep up with. I just now recently stepped it up to a full blown tank, but it cost alot, around 400 bucks and theres still plenty of other stuff i could still get

big fish

a 10gal. tank is not that hard to do but you must keep a close eye on your water conditions. It is going to cost you alot more then 150$ I probley have around 400$ in my 10gal. Keep me updated if you deside to do it :joy:


Keep an eye out for used stuff. I have $75 in my 20g frag tank. Lights, skimmer, 2 clowns, drilled tank, sand, everything.