Somebody help quick!!!!


Im freshwater bathing my tang as we speak and he and I both are freaking out. should I have done this to get the ick off is he gonna be ok PLEASE HELP


Do a search in the disease and treatment discussion on hyposalinity. If you have a q tank than try hyposalinity. You can find this info in the disease section. I have used this both on a clown and a tang and worked both times.


Is this freshwater bathing stuff just bs? I will be so mad at my fish store if it is. I HATE being lead on to believe this stuff. Sammy can you help?If my tang dies I will lose it.


I have used it with some success, But have been told by people on this site that it just stresses the fish. IMO it works but its not a garenty of cure buy any means. The time is worked best for me is when my fish got parisites. I could actually see them come off in fresh water dip. To reduce stress I use stress coat, make sure PH matches my show tank, in a 2 gal tank and use a small heater to get temp to match show tank and dip fish for about two min. From what people tell me this doest work with marine ich just copper.
Who knows like I said Ive done it and it worked. fro parisites and whitespot.


To add to my other comments you do have to follow up with copper or other meds because from what people tell my the FW dip only gets what is on the outside
Also its best to do medicating in hospital tank if only one or two fish are infected. All treatments for fish, Hyposalinity, copper, atibiotics etc. are bad for LR LS & Inverts


I have done fresh water dips before through advise of LFS, I have never loss a fish from doing this and it does help some, it is my understanding that the parasite literally explodes from the gravity change, I have watched events that took place while giving the fresh water bath and you can see them bursting, if you use lets say a dark bottom canister to do the bathing you will see the dead parasites on the bottom, but yes it does cuase much stress on a already stressed fish.

richard rendos

Active Member
Freshwater bathing works with ick if done right.
First the temp and pH of the fresh water need to match that of the tank water. Use some marine buffer or something to get the pH right. Also, don't leave the tang in the freshwater too long and keep him moving around. Usually 3 - 5 minutes is as long as you can keep it in the freshwater.


I agree 100% fresh water baths is not a cure, you still have an effected tank, the parasite will die after several days with out a host to feed on and all effected fish need to be put in a hospital tank and cared for there, regardless if you do hyposalinty or copper treatmemt, I use the fresh water dip for extremely infested fish and before placing them in the hospital tank to lighten there burdon of this parasite.


fresh water bathing killes pathogens... but i dont think it killes ick. you need to use medication for that... :)


i think it is pathogens....
i am not sure...
is the fish look ok <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
you should ask the dealer if you need to know...

rto 29

I agree that the best solution would most likely be a hospital tank, and a copper treatment....That having been said I can also pass on the advice of the owner of my lfs.... and that is "I have never seen ich kill a tang ever, leave him alone and it will go away." I followed this advice once, and it worked very well. Keep a close eye on your water conditions, leave him alone and it will go away. My tang is perfect and has been ich free for over half a year and he's still great.