I don't know what happened!? Last night when I went to sleep, my pink tip had eaten, was inflated, and looking wonderful, and then this morning it looks like something has eaten the inside of it out!! The whole section where the mouth is is now yellow mushy stuff and it looks torn apart. The tentacles are all shriveled and brown. I understand that anenomes deflate at night, but it really looks like something has eaten the inside of it out. Also, my feather duster has completely been moved. Is there something in my tank? My water parameters are great, same for salinity. Anyone have an idea? Also, I have a picture of it now, but don't know how to attach it.
Nano cube dx
8 "algae" hermits
2 bumblebee snails
1 turbo
1 true perc
Nano cube dx
8 "algae" hermits
2 bumblebee snails
1 turbo
1 true perc