Somebody please help!!!



I don't know what happened!? Last night when I went to sleep, my pink tip had eaten, was inflated, and looking wonderful, and then this morning it looks like something has eaten the inside of it out!! The whole section where the mouth is is now yellow mushy stuff and it looks torn apart. The tentacles are all shriveled and brown. I understand that anenomes deflate at night, but it really looks like something has eaten the inside of it out. Also, my feather duster has completely been moved. Is there something in my tank? My water parameters are great, same for salinity. Anyone have an idea? Also, I have a picture of it now, but don't know how to attach it.
Nano cube dx
8 "algae" hermits
2 bumblebee snails
1 turbo
1 true perc


Active Member
No anemones in a nano. :nope: How long has the anemone been in there? What kind of lighting? How long has the tank been up? :D


Active Member
Sometimes an anemone will shrivel up and expel some waste, this can be normal.
I agree with bigarn though, we should make sure all the conditions are right for the little fella, and make sure he's not stressed.
Feather dusters are actually worms. They are capable of moving on thier own if they wish. As long as he seems to have an in-tact tube and is fully extending for feeding, I'd assume he just wanted a better location.
What color are the algae hermits? Most hermit crabs are good at removing algae, but there are alot of diffrent kinds.


Yep, expelling waste was what he was obviously doing, it's much much better now. That was pretty horrific to behold. He's really small, but if nano water quality is the problem I do have a 30 gallon cycling as we speak and also have a neighbor with a 29 3-year established tank if ya'll still think I should move him I will do so. As for the hermits- they aren't blue legs, I had read that those are pretty hostile for hermits and therefore didn't want them- these are just your run of the mill, greyish color. The LFS said they were just "algae hermits". They have done a great job on the algae, I must say, but I just wondered if they're all right otherwise around my corals and things. One last question, I got a ricordia mushroom from SWF the other day and it's fully opened and looking wonderful, but it wasn't attached to any rock when it came. Should I glue it or something? It's staying in place, but I didn't know.


Active Member
If it's not moving in the current, I think it should attach on it's own. Glue/tying/spearing is supposed to be a temporary measure to hold it still until it attaches on it's own, it shouldn't be necessary if it's working by itself. I'm not the expert here though.


Well, you're more of an expert than me, so I appreciate your advice. Thanks