somehow my tangs died??


when i woke up this morning i couldnt find my two blue tangs. usually they sleep in l.r. somehwere. i found them wedged in 2 diffrent peices but i figured something was wrong or they were dead sense they werent really swimming or coming out. I pryed one out and when he was out he just floated and sat on the bottom then hide behind a rock slowly. I dont know what is weong with them they dont have any spots so probebly no ick, and they eat all the foods i give to them. ANyone know what could have caused my tangs to stiffin up and die? ( all the other fish in the tank are fine)


Active Member
Originally Posted by kels903
when i woke up this morning i couldnt find my two blue tangs. usually they sleep in l.r. somehwere. i found them wedged in 2 diffrent peices but i figured something was wrong or they were dead sense they werent really swimming or coming out. I pryed one out and when he was out he just floated and sat on the bottom then hide behind a rock slowly. I dont know what is weong with them they dont have any spots so probebly no ick, and they eat all the foods i give to them. ANyone know what could have caused my tangs to stiffin up and die? ( all the other fish in the tank are fine)

you found them wedged?? they prolly died from the stress of being stuck if they were(stuck)
i saw the same problem happen with a coral beauty angel...he wedged himself between two sets of LR got stuck and died ultimately....also yeah water changes recently? or changes in temp...or worse?? bad food? like spoiled etc...


Active Member
It is unlikely that two got stuck...maybe if it was only one, but two is tangs commonly "wedge" themselves into rock like this but are not stuck. I think to start we really need to know a lot more about the system. SPECIFIC water parameters (esp alkalinity, pH), how long you've had the fish, maintenance, filtration, other inhabitants, tank size.


I immediantly tested my water afterward the readings were all correct and the temp did not change. I thoguht they were dead but i remembered they play dead sometimes so i waited it out and i came back a few hours later and they were colored normal and swimming around but the little one had a few white blotches so i ran to my lfs and got prevent ich and now i think everything will be ok :joy:
thanks for the help im so happy i getta keep my lil boys

darth tang

Active Member
Prevent ich won't work. It is junk. I tried it and a bunch of other ich treatments. The only thing that works for ich is hyposalinity and copper. Trust me, I have had my share of Ich bouts. I learned. White blotches probably aren't ich anyway.