someone ate the crab legs

tank watch

over the last few months I have lost a few fish. They were healthy one day and then missing the next, forever. Today I saw an emerald crab with no legs, only the main claws. Poor fellow looked like an amputee. (sp?). I am starting to wonder if i have a mantis. Never hear any clicking from the reef tank. What else would take a healthy fish? They seem to disappear over night.
Sohal tang
Purple tang
Sailfin tang
Yellow tang
Blue hippo tang
Scribbled foxface
(Spotted foxface, Bangai cardinal disappeared recently)
Maroon Clown
Coral Beauty
Dragon goby
Red hawkfish
Lawnmower blenny
Serpent star
Bubble tip anemone
Purple ritteri (sp?) anemone
Flame scallop
10 emerald crabs
assorted snails and hermits
Anyone else lose fish this way? Some were 4 to 5 inches. I dont think any jumped ship. I always check when someone is missing. Thanks, Matt


New Member
I have had the same problems. I have been losing hermit crabs and a few fish in the past. Currently, there has been a resurgence of missing crabs. I now believe it is a mantis shrimp after much research and help from the kind folks on this site. The strange thing is, I have never seen whatever is killing life in my tank. If you want it removed, set a trap for it and be patient. I have yet to catch mine with a trap. Welcome to the wonderful world of reefkeeping. Good luck on getting it out of your tank.

tank watch

thanks for the compliment. I am doubting the mantis theory at the moment. I cant account for missing crabs or snails, but I still have my cleaner shrimp. :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


I had a "nemo", a yellowtail damsel and a lawnmower blenny all "disappear on me! I was only left with 1 yellowtail damsel, 1 cleaner shrimp and my crabs. I noticed the remaining damsel trying to take bites out of my cleaner shrimp, so I removed the damsel and returned it to the pet shop I bought it from. Now I have upgraded to a bigger tank and I am noticing empty crab shells. I also am not sure why. I have not seen a mantis in my tank either. All my lost fish were actually no where to be found, no remains no nothing at all to show they ever existed, and all of the losses were overnight. I would see them before bed, then in the morning one by one would be gone( each morning). I am so confused! Now all I have is a few crabs and my cleaner shrimp, the damsel became extremely aggressive so I returned it to the lfs. I have to completely re-stock everything little by little again and hope it doesn't happen again. Major bummer! Let me know if you figure it out please!