I Cant Remember Where I Saw Some Guy Build A Biocube With A Fuge/sump In The Stand And He Removed The Chambers Gutted Them Completely Out Of The Tank.. To Give It More Depth. Anyone Wanna Help
So the guy made a Biocube into a regular glass tank? Sounds like a waste of time and money to me.
Just curious, why would you want to see the thread? It sounds like you have a good idea of what the guy did.
lol i do.. but there was more to the thread. it did entire plumbinb and everything step by step for a in stand sump/fuge... just want something diff and this biocube 14 is to small... any help on a diy rimless tank/?
I could probably find something on another site that I can't mention but they sound easy to build if you have the right equipment.
Silicone (I'd do black)
Glass (this would be tricky cause you want quality stuff)
Angle braces (get nice 90 degree corners)
Then silicone the places that need it.
I agree 14 is pretty small. Save yourself the heartache and get an all glass tank to add a sump to. You should totally get a 40 breeder.
That's the beauty of a 40br! It is big enough to house a lot of corals and some cool fish, but it isn't a pain to move when you're ready.
Either way gutting out the Biocube just doesn't make sense to me. You get a Biocube because it is AIO, not to make it into a normal tank.
true true. now i have moved to the idea of makin a mini frag tank? ... i have a pico in my biocube 14 stand. either add a hob fuge, keep a thin sandbed and nothing but eggcrate with either 2x18w or 1x18w.
buy a custom made aio pico found on another site for a frag tank...id be using the water from my established 29g tht houses my frags now..
Pico as in how big? 3? 5? I guess it would work. Make like two or three tiers so you can have some higher light corals towards the top.
And with a frag tank you'll want lights that can grow the corals. I'm thinking the 2x18w would be nice, then you could play around with the bulbs. 'Cause I don't think actinics help with growth but I'm not sure.
I haven't read anything about the odyssea fixtures so you'll probably know better.
That would be fine, it shouldn't be your main filtration but it would be a good place for pods to grow and feed the corals.
Since it is 3 gallons weekly water changes of 1 gallon should be great to keep the water clean.