someone please help


Hi, I have a 75gal tank that has been setup for three years with this brow stuff semi-covering the substrate and has been for two years. I'm running a sump with bio balls, a Fluval Canister Filter w/ carbon and phosgard, a UV Clarifier, and a Protein Skimmer in the sump. I do at least a 20% water changes monthly using Oceanic salt which, I just switched to I use the water from Wal-Mart, and the label states the water is processed by: Carbon Filtration, UV Treatment, RO, Micro filtration, and Ozonation. I top off with an RO unit I purchased from Lows. I have tried using Liquid Gravel Vac with no success. I have 3 power heads in the tank (1200, 1200, and 1200). I have 2 small fish, plenty of turbo snails and blue legged crabs, 1 serpent star, and 1 shrimp. I just tested my water the results are as follows:
Ammonia = 0.25
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0
Phosphate = 0.5
Ph = 8.1
Alkalinity = 4 meq/l
Calcium = 380
Currently my lighting consists of Orbit system 2x150w MH HQI, 2x130 dual Actinic and 6 moon lights. Which I just
got. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what this is? I have been told it is everything from low Alkalinity, phosphates, diatoms, or nutrient build up in the sand. My coraline algae have stopped growing. (I vacuumed the sand bed thoroughly at my last water change) But still the brown gunk reappears every morning when the lights come on, and go away again at nights have also tried Liquid Gravel Vac with no success. I just tried chemi clean. With no luck I did this twice. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the link to my tank


brown stuff that comes out in the morning and goes away at how does it go away at night? Not too sure what you have there .... I had some buildup of some brown algae or algae-like stuff... I purchased a queen conch that seemed to eat it.
I can comment on the circulation thing though. In my 75g... I have a 600 gph sump return - 4ft and 3 1200 PH's (300gph each)... One failed and I didnt notice it for a few days... In that short a time I had an accumulation of some undesireable algae...
SO, I went from ~1200 gph to ~900 gph total turnover rate and in less than a week I had an algae problem...
So Im just guessing but it looks like you have about 650gph (300+200+150) total plus whatever your sump return provides (maybe 300gph at 4ft from a 600gph pump)... so 650+300=950gph total display tank turnover rate. So it is possible if these numbers are accurate that you dont have enough flow.
Do you have macro in the tank or sump? I started that and it works great to deplete the water of nutrient.
Lastly, I would recommend testing the RO + salt water with your test kits before you put it in the tank... at least that would tell you if you are introducing nitrate, phosphate or silicate with your new water.... dont laugh... I was mixing water in a 30 gal aquarium for a while and it would sit there for a long time heated and ready to go at a moments notice... I would never use the whole 30 gallons... after months of this I tested the water and found that I was introducing nitrate into my display with the water change water.... (yes I use RO/DI that tests negative for all) Now I mix my water fresh and it doesnt sit around more than a couple days... and I use what I make and I dont make more than I use.
good luck and keep us posted


I had a bad test kit but here is what I have now plus the two new 1200ph so thats a total of three 1200 inside the tank with those things that role the water around. And the lights.


yeah, Ive seen that before... I would say its low flow... I get that in the corners and sides where there is a low flow situation...
when you get new kits, test again... and go from there..


It looks like diatoms to me, and you phosphate readings are a little high (mine are don't take it personally!). I think increasing the flow as Sammie said would help. A few quick questions:
(i) You mention you "recently changed to Wallmart water" - what were you using before? If it was tap water, and you were using tap water for the last few years, then my bet would be that you have a serious phosphate / silicate build-ip in your system (ie - saturated into your LR etc. and actually much higher than the readings youa re getting on your test kit). Running the phosguard will help, as will frequent water changes, but really it just takes time to get it all out.
(ii) How often do you change the media etc in the cannister filter and change the bio balls? The reason I ask is that cannister filters and wet/dry type filters (bio balls) are notorious for building up nitrates etc...which could help explain algae build ups.
(iii) What kind of substrate is that? If it is CC then make sure you are vacuuming it really well, as the CC will build up detritus, that leads to more nitrates, that can lead to more algae. (I have CC as well, and it always needs vacuumed!)
(iv) Also, I don't know how much you feed and how often, don't overfeed...this adds phosphates to the system that in turn can lead to increased algae.
Again, if it is showing up first in the corner, then I would bet that there is a relative "dead spot" there, with little to no flow...and thus Sammies advice about increased flow might really help.


I have always used wal-mart water for water changes. and use my RO for top off's I got it at lows has a 2gal sand is aragonite live reef sand. And I recentley got 2 more 1200 PHs so that's a total of three in the tank. with those things that turn on the end of them makes like waves in the water. I have tested both wal-mart and my ro for phosphate they both read 0


I forgot to mention I did add some live rock so maybe thats where the Ammonia is comeing from Check out the new pics I posted click the link at the top


wait until the amonia goes down then get a sand sifting goby (ex diamond watchmen goby kool little fella)
hell keep the sand clean.


The phosphate feeding that algae is coming from somewhere, otherwise there would be no algae.
How much do you feed and how often?
How often do you change/clean the filterpads, and swap out your bio balls?


I clean the pads at least once a weak. I have never swaped out the bio balls. My Nitrate reading is 0


Active Member
I agree it looks like cyno or diatoms. Leaning more towards cynobacteria though.
Bio balls may be a good place to start. Swap out half, clean them, wait a couple weeks and do the other half. To much at once and you may cause your whole tank to crash.
Use RO water(that may be your Wal-mart water, not sure)
Feed every other day for a few weeks, see if it starts to go away. Fish will have stuff on the rocks to pick on.
wait until the amonia goes down then get a sand sifting goby
No, be careful with some of the advice around here. A diamond goby will keep some of the sand clean, but will he pick out the dirty corner? Don't think so, and he will add to the boiload. Bad idea.
More flow MAY help. Sounds like you have enough and maybe re-directing them alittle towards the corners will be all you need to do.


OK I just went and bought a test kit for silicate and the readings are 0 my Ammonia is still 0.25 and is not droping.The Brown Stuff is still growing on the sand. I don't know what else to do. I have tried everthing. if anyone knows what this is please e-mail at Thanks