Someone PLZ HELP


As im typing this one of my fish is alive, completely flat on his side. It is a yellow tang, he was doing fine earlier and was one of the happiest fish in the tank. I don't know what is wrong, everything in my tank is fine, none of my other fish are affected. He eats fine and everything, this is all of a sudden, any ideas, i took him out of my tank just in case, but it doesn't look like he is going to make it. If i rub him he tries to get up, and swims for a few seconds, then loses balance.


90g, with only 4 other fish, a Niger Trigger, purple tang, flame angel, and clown fish. All get along fine and school together
Update on fish status: Still alive...but not trying to swim at all anymore and it looks like his breathing is getting short and quick


Does he show any signs of aggression?
If so, I would blame the Purple Tang as the two are known to fight.


Active Member
what are your water levels. to be safe, id do a water change. i know this is off topic, but where are you in NC?


Active Member
You may want to look in the disease forum. Or possibly post this over there.
This fish isn't a new addition is it?
I wouldn't touch it any more. That is not going to help and will more likely just cause added stress.



Originally posted by fishnerd
Does he show any signs of aggression?
If so, I would blame the Purple Tang as the two are known to fight.

Like i said before, none of my fish fight.
My water is fine, and i also live near Charlotte



Originally posted by hagfish
You may want to look in the disease forum. Or possibly post this over there.
This fish isn't a new addition is it?
I wouldn't touch it any more. That is not going to help and will more likely just cause added stress.

It isn't that new, a few months old, he wasn't stressed at all, probably the happiest in the tank and was just as perkey earlier today as everyday, and he shows no signs of disease and i have researched them.


It has now been several hours and my yellow tang is still alive, he doesn't move, just lays on his side breathing sharply. He is becoming discolored. I fear this is the end, it is out of my hands...


Active Member
I know that you may think that your water is great, but it would really help us out to know:
Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alk, specific gravity and temperature.
May help you remember something or give us a direction to follow if we have more info. Really need specifics to help understand what is going on.
How long have you had this tang?
What and how often do you feed?
How long have you had the purple?
Recent water changes? Painting, cleaning, carpet cleaning near your tank?


Purple maybe 8months to a year, yellow 4 to 6 months. Nitrates are great, very low (they used to be as red as they could be until i fixed up the tank). Temperature was a bit high, but it was only 80degrees when it is usually 78-76. My skimmer is working great so my ammonia levels should be fine. Everything else in my tank is perfect. I changed the water yestarday (i do use tap water mixed with salt, but that is what i always do and my fish are perfectly fine with it). Other than that, this is the only incident in about 2 years besides my carpet anenome dieing a few days after we got it, but that was because the nitrates were high (that was a month ago). So i really don't get it. No painting or vacuming since it is on hard floor.