Someone tell me if I have made a mistake


I have been using regular tap water to fill my tank when water evaporates or when I need to add buffer. After I add water I ALWAYS add Stress Coat to remove chlorine. I have no fish in the tank, just live rock and live sand and some dead rock.
Is this an effective way to remove chlorine?
I plan on using distilled water from the grocery store when I do changes or add water to the tank when I get some fish and invertebrates.


Using tap water is ok if there aren't things like amonia, chlorine, phosphates etc. If you test your tap water for the same stuff you test your tank with- and it passes all tests, it should be fine.
be careful with distilled water- i won't mention the brand, but last time i used distilled water it killed TONS of stuff in my tank-- turns out that it was really high in amonia content-- so if you use distilled, make sure you test it before you use it.


As Javajoe said, as long as your tap water is good, you shouldn't have too many problems. One thing you should be doing though, you should be adding the dechlorinator before or as you are adding the water to the tank. You don't want that chlorine coming in contact with the life in the tank. Another thing is your choice of dechlorinators. Now, this is just my opinion, but I wouldn't be using Stress Coat. I just don't feel comfortable putting aloe in my tanks.
A couple of things to remember with regards to your water. ALL tap water contains silicate. Some tap water contains phosphates, but you will also get phosphates from the food you feed the fish, so it is a good idea to use a phosphate/silicate remover (absorbant) in your filter.