Something different


Here is a picture of my big thorny Oysters. There are three in this picture... Can you find them? hint, they are the size of a soft ball and weigh a couple pounds apiece.


You were very close... Two were right on the money.
I'll give you a hint the 3rd has a brain. When I saw them I had to have them. They are incrusted with corals and sponges and are just huge.


My LFS gets crazy stuff that's out of the ordinary and he just happen to have these three oysters. He also has a Nautilis thats really cool too. He set up a 700 gallon tank that's 15' long that has a sohal surgeonfish that is HUGE. Every bit of 15-20 inches and 3" thick. There are two Nurse sharks in there that are a good 3' and won't go near him. I'm going there tomorrow and I'm taking pictures of this big boy.


Some of those spines on the oysters are actually tube worms that come out like a feather duster. One worm is just an orange looking thing that just comes out a little. he is the dia of a pencil. He's an orange dot on the top of the bottom oyster in the first picture.


Ok, If I can get it all in there. I'm taking my daughter "fishing" tomorrow at all the local hot spots in the area. After seeing that sohal I wouldn't mind having one about 5".