Something Eating My Candy Cane?


We've noticed our candy cane really looks something has been nibbling on it...
Attaching two from a week ago and one from today. The second one is far away but you can still see how it's changed.
1. Is this the result of a hungry creature?
2. If yes, who?
Hermits (scarlet, blue leg)
Peppermint Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
Emerald Crab



Looks like it's starving. Feed it.
If you don't see feeder tentacles at night then put it in a seperate bowl and feed it cyclop eeze or rods food for corals with a medicine dosing syringe.


To me it looks better in the second pic. Maybe it is the lighting but the flesh seems more inflated. Any of those suspects you listed could be the culprit, they would all pick at dying or unhealthy tissue. I've found my candy cane to be really resilient so I have no doubts yours can rebound.


out of your list of critters the one that I would warn you about would be the peppermint shrimp. I have a candy cane and peppermint shrimp and I can't keep them together anymore. no matter how full i keep my peppermints they still seem to want to munch on the candycane! good luck!