Something FUNKY growing - HELP!!!


Had some good coralline algae growing for quite awhile & now it seems to have stopped. Have noticed, too, that the rocks are starting to be covered with this brownish growth & a couple have this red mat type growth. Also, have this one rock that's got some green (looks like hair) stuff on it. Anybody have any good suggestions as to how to get rid of these pesky growths & how to, once again, get the coralline algae growing. Thanks muchly - Ches


Keeping calcium levels at 400 - 450 is a must. Next would be a properly sized clean up crew and keeping nitrates and phosphates at 0 or near 0. What are your water test results?


That is the same advice I would have given you.. Although I seem to have a tough time keeping Phosphates at 0 I keep them as low as I can.. The things that you have growing around sound like Algae... I would venture to guess you have some red slime algae and some green hair.. Keep working at it and down slow down any reatments you are doing.. It is very important to stay on top of the situation.. As soon as you give up it will take over if the situation allows it to..
Good Luck


Yea I had it too it is the water your using befor I bought a RO system for the tank (I mean house did I say tank) I used KENT phosphate sponge I still use it for maintance and it works!!! Read up on dantums
I dont know how you spell it but with that discription that is what you have!


Thanks for your suggestions. Do have quite a good selection of "janitors" but, they don't seem to interested in the hair algae at all. Thought when this stuff started to appear, my yellow tang might do a number on it - nada. Also, would lighting have any effect? And, as conditions improve, will the hair/brown & mat alge start to disappear??