something in between my zoas?


I have something in between a colony of zoas I have causing them to stay closed.
I think it is aptasia but not sure? Tried to pry it out but didnt work damaged it severly though but it just kept coming back??
- Now first is it aptasia?
- if it is how to get rid of it as spraying boiling water over it is out of the question as right in the middle of my zoas?
Please help?



Active Member
Use a hyperdermic needle to "inject" (not "spray" or "shoot") it. Mix up a small batch of Mrs. Wages pickling lime (or Joe's Juice). Use a very small amount. You may kill a few heads of adjacent zoos, but not too much damage if done right.


sure I cant get that product here as I live in Thailand.
Would regular lime juice do the trick too? or is it a mix of lime juice and vinegar?
Originally Posted by T316
Use a hyperdermic needle to "inject" (not "spray" or "shoot") it. Mix up a small batch of Mrs. Wages pickling lime (or Joe's Juice). Use a very small amount. You may kill a few heads of adjacent zoos, but not too much damage if done right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dirk_brijs
sure I cant get that product here as I live in Thailand.
Would regular lime juice do the trick too? or is it a mix of lime juice and vinegar?
It's not "lime juice", it's pickling lime (powder)....Two totally different things. If you cannot get access to this, or order Joe's Juice online, then I would just inject it with boiling hot water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dirk_brijs
injected with white vinegar yesterday seem to have done the job?
Keep us posted and let us know if it comes back. Did the vinegar have any affect on the adjacent zoo heads?