Something in the tank new!!! HELP!!


I have been noticing that on my tank glass walls there are Little white dots all over the place. They look like little white worms currled up. Has anyone seen something in there tank??? Getting worried!!!! :help: :notsure: If there is any other info that you might need please ask.


:thinking: Thank you treybom.. They are Spirorbid worms.... Ok now that I know what they are what does that mean.. Does that mean that my water parameters are bad???? Are those worms a bad thing????? Basicly what do they mean for my tank?? Sorry for all the questions just kinda new to all of this. The LFS store that I have been going to told me to take out the bio-balls from my wet/dry (Not all at one time) I just took out the last few last Sunday could that be why? Even when I first set up the tank and it cycled I do not see these worms. Last question is I do weekly water changes and Sunday's is when I do them (which is tom) should I scrape them off the glass or not??
Thank you for all the help.... I do not know what I would do with out these forms


Staff member
That is just LR critters. That's why you pay the big bucks for a bunch of rocks. LOL


I have them on my tank as well as not seen any issues. Really didn't start to notice them until about 2 years after the fish tank was setup. They are tough little buggers sometimes.