something is amiss

jet fixer

New Member
When I came home today most of my fish seem to be resparating quite heavily.
My parameters are: amonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 20, salinity 1.023, Ph 8.2, Temp 79.
The tank is a 50G FOWLR about 30lbs LR 60lbs live sand the tank has been running since May. About two weeks ago I added a wet/dry filter but, I plan on keping the canister filter running until mid Dec.
The crabs, snails, & shrimp seem to be acting normally so does my six line wrasse. the fish that are affected are a Pixy hawk, Bar goby, Chalk bass, Cherub angel, and a Ocellaris clown.
That is all the info that I can think to add I'm totally stumped; what could be causing this?

jet fixer

New Member
actnics on at 0800 off at 2200 daylight on at 1000 off at 2000. the lights are 2X65W PC I did just increce the bright lights four hours a few days ago.


Active Member
That is all I can think of is the lights are on too long. Someone else may have an idea.
You work on the T-birds eh?

jet fixer

New Member
Yes, I was a swing shift crew chief until I put on MSgt this month now I'm APG section chief. Great job.
I'm gonna try and cut back on the lights see if it helps can't hurt, Nothing like shot gun troubleshooting eh'


Active Member
Do you have plenty of water flow at the top of the tank providing good gas exchange? Also, how long had the lights been on when you saw that the fish were breathing hard. Could it be that the tank is going oxygen poor at night?

jet fixer

New Member
Thanks for everyones help
I did a 20% water change (had the water ready was doing it tomorrow any way)
reinstalled a 270 GPH powerhead
and turned off the daylight bulb and cut back the timer by four hours
The fish are "breathing" closer to normal and are more active
I think it was the lights I did notice that the fish were more active when the actinic lights were only on I think I'll add 15 minutes a week on the dual day lights untill I get the eight hours I'm looking for.
I'm going get better test kits and take a sample to the LFS. just in case it was water parameters I'm leaning towards lighting for some reason.
many other questions will be soon to follow


How do you have the wet/dry system set up are you using bio balls or live rockor are you just using it as a sump ?
The reason I ask is because if you are using bio balls or even to a smaller degree live rock, you tank might be mini cycling which can cause the fish to breathe heavy.