Something is eating my featherduster!!


The top half of my feather duster looks like someone gave it a trim. normally the 'feathers" are about 4 inches long, but now they're only about 2 and a half inches. its only on the top half. Im really puzzled as to what could be eating/destroying it. hopefully you can help; heres what I have in the tank:
red lipped blenny
neon goby
yellow tail damsel
royal gramma (added two days ago)
convict blenny/engeneer goby (same thing, two common names)
cleaner shrimp
blue leg hermits
scarlet '' ''
long tentacle
some mushrooms and star polyps
I thought all those creatures were harmless sesile inverts. I hope you can help me, this is the most beautiful feather duster I have ever seen and i would hate to see it killed.
could it be something the FD is doing to itself? I have seen them loose their crowns but that usually happens all at once and the whole crown is lost, not just part. sorry I cant give a picture but my mom borrowed the digital camera. thanks for your help.


You said you just added your Royal Gramma a few days ago correct? This might be your problem, he just might have been very hungry from being malnutritioned in the store and is just testing the waters on what in the tank he can eat. He probably realized that he shouldn't be eatin that stuff, is anymore missing since you posted your message? This was just an idea, keep thinking because it could be something that we never even thought of...:rolleyes:


Thanks, Ill look into that. I brought him home from my work and I saw him eat then. when I put him in the tank, he wasnt eating. it took about a day for him to start. Hope i figgure out whats up.


Active Member
One of my Blue legged hermit picks on Feather Duster al the time. He is like crazy. And i know for sure, that this is the same one. He has different shell. Check if yours does it.

david mallette

New Member
I have a larger hermit that has eaten several of my feather dusters. I have also seen some of the blue legged eating them. I finally had to give up on having any fd's.