For two days now my Kole Tang has been pale and always hidden or frightened easily. My Domino Damsel has popeye on one eye. All other animals in my 55 gallon 20 gallon refugium appears to be fine.
PH 8.0
Nitrrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
salt 1.024-1.025
80 degrees
decided to do a water change this morning helped for a little while now back to square one.
The only thing new in the tank is 1 week old Garf grunge and the refug. pack of algae.
The snails on the tank glass are normal looking too.
I did remove 2 from the refug.
PH 8.0
Nitrrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
salt 1.024-1.025
80 degrees
decided to do a water change this morning helped for a little while now back to square one.
The only thing new in the tank is 1 week old Garf grunge and the refug. pack of algae.
The snails on the tank glass are normal looking too.
I did remove 2 from the refug.