Something of Clown Fish


My clown fish has what looks like white powder on can only see it on an angle..kinda like his fins are slightly raised or its Velvet or Ich. His fins are torn and worn down. He eats good and is not breathing heavy..what is this, he's had it for a couple weeks now.


I think my YT damselfish have the same thing. Currently I treating them for Ich in a hypo-salinic QT tank. Another possibility is that it is Brookynella. Brookynella is a deadly disease and I think it is contagious? Check out the stickies at the top of the page. I'm still researching brookynella and other possibilities. I'll let you know if I find any other info on the topic other than the stickies.


OK, let me know if you find out any info...I'm also treating the whole tank with Cupramine. I have a FO tank.


I believe it's ick..the white dots are very dust..they are even on the eyes. I'm treating the whole tank because I can't catch the infected fishes. I have a very tall tank (30") filled with decorations. I feel that if I pull apart the whole tank, it will stress out the other fish creating a greater problem.
The tech. at Cupramine stated that there product can easly come out by placing carbon or cuprisorb.
PS: I'm also inthe process of setting up my Q/T tank for future fish purchases.


Staff member
Copper is not a good choice for a display tank. Do you have live rock in that tank? Any inverts?


If my clown has Brooklynella I assume it would be dead by now..he's had this problem for 2 weeks this correct ? I think its Velvet or Ich.


Staff member
Did you look at the pictures in the Diseased Fish thread to see if you could ID your problem?
Brook and velvet kill pretty quickly.


I hope its just ich...I tried numerous times to catch him and I can't....I had to medicate the tank with Cupramine seeing that 4 fish have it now. I've had the Cupramine in for 2 days now...will the ich on the fish die off soon ?


Really..the fish has had the same quantity for 2 weeks now, with no change. maybe its Velvet. I wish I had a good pix of Velvet to compare too.


You said you were using Cu. In your filtration system, do you have carbon? If you do, the carbon will suck the Cu out of the water and you treatment period would prove to be useless. If you use medication, you can't have any form of carbon running in the water. Try a hypo treatment, but be aware of the PH. I ended up killing my 2 YT damselfish and clown. Also, you don't want to treat ich, if that what it is, in the show tank because the parasite goes through a life cycle. In one part of that life cycle, the parasite is a free swimming organism which can and will attatch other fish. It can also live in the sand. The only way to get rid of it, is to have no host in the tank for 30 days. With no host, the parasite's life cycle will stop and die.