Something on Tang's scalpel


Here is the best pic I could get, he moves pretty quick. I will try to get a better one in the meantime. Its been on their since I got him, for about one week, I did not notice it at the LFS but that doesnt mean it was not there. Its only on one side, the other looks fine.
Dead skin? Parasite? not sure hopefully someone can give some input.


Staff member
It looks like a scrap. Has it improved or gotten worse since you got the fish?
Is it raised or just looks like scales that are missing?


Staff member
Some details about he wound itself would be helpful, as the pic does not tell all. Does it look like a scaped over wound, a scar, or is festering, red, swollen?
I would keep an eye on it to see what develops. It could be fight site resulting in a scar.