Something spreading rapidly on my clown

I have had my clown in hyposalinity treatment for almost four weeks now. Recently she started developing a white patch on her cheek which has spread rapidly. Please help!!! I don't know what to do.


Staff member
What is the condition of the treatment tank? Water readings? Also, it looks to me like this fish still has ich? Does it?
Is the fish eating, how is the breathing? Swiming?
I have been having problems keeping the ammonia down. I am doing daily water changes. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to age water before use. It kind of came on suddenly. She doesn't seem to be eating, but I have had her for two months and have never seen her eat. I think the male was feeding her. When I put her in the hyposalinity, these white things grew out of her and finally fell off after about three weeks. They left holes in her that are beginning to heal. then this started. I am starting to administer maracyn-two today. As far as the ich, I just did a water change and I think what is on her is just particles from the bottom of the tank. Oh, the hyposalinity is at 1.008. I hope this enough info.


Staff member
Particles from the bottom of the tank??? What is that? Ammonia can certainly result in burns. Do everything to get the ammonia and nitrite to ZERO.
Have you finished hypo?
I am sorry to report that she passed away last night.
As far as your question beth, I had not completed hyposalinity yet. Would that have made a difference? The particles on the bottom of the tank where sand particlesfrom the rock I added the tank to give her a hiding place.
Thanks to everyone who game help over the last month of her treatment.


Staff member
Ammonia was the problem, I'm sure. This is absolutely leathel to fish, and a fish that is already weak and sick, even more so.
Sorry for your loss.
Don't add any fish to your main tank now for some time. Were other fish exposed?


Active Member
Grumpy - Brian told me all about this - sorry - and all I can say is watch your other fish closely to make sure it has not spread!!!
I think you are right about the ammonia, but I had to isolate her to pravent the spread. She was removed from my main tank a month ago. No sign of a problem with the male. I also added a 6-line wrasse a week ago, and hes is doing well also.
Also, does anyone know if I can add another female with the male already in the tank and nest with my bubble tip? I got them as a mated pair. I would like to get another female if possible.


Staff member
Trying to pair up a new clown might be "if-y". These fish know who they are married to!