something that eats gorgonians


i bought a gorgonian from this site a few weeks ago and it came with this hard shelled invert it looked like a long snail. it is a realy nice red orange it seemed to be eating my gorgonian so i took it out. what should i do with it i only saw the damage today? anyone else have one of these? it has a openeing at both ends of its body and eyes at the base of tha antenna.


Active Member
It is probably a "flamingo tongue" or "west indian simnia".
You can either keep it and let it eat your gorgonians. Put it in a different tank, adn either frag your gorgonian alot, or buy alot of gorgonians and feed it to it, or kill it. Very sad that such a beautfiul animal is so hard to take care of.


yeah it's very beautifuli think i'm just going to give to a friend who wants it. but thanx for the info.


This happened to me too. The Gorgonias were cheap and didn't look too hot anyway (I think because they were exposed to air in the bags), so I left the Flamingo alone. It's been months and he's just now finishing the second purple frilly. I think he's gorgeous, and am debating if I want to buy him more Gorgs to eat or let him starve. :notsure: The guy I bought the Gorgs from actually sells them for $1.50 - LOL!
Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
I think because they were exposed to air in the bags
Unless the gorgonian was exposed to air long enough that its polyps became de-hydrated, then the air would have nothing to do with why the gorgs are/were doing poorly. More likely than not they were starving.