Something unknown swimming around my tank


New Member
So I get home from work late tonight and turn on my tank lights to admire my new "cleanup crew" at work. I notice a bunch (maybe like 50) white 'spots' moving around the tank and while really looking closely I see that they are actually alive! They are about the size of the end of a blunt pencil lead point and have a little wiggly tail (I know, sounds like a sperm but that's what they look like, hold the jokes:rolleyes: ) So I watch for awhile expecting the fish to find them and have a late night snack but nothing, no interest at all. I go about the house doing the family thing and come back to observe some more but they're all gone now! Don't know if the fish all of a sudden developed interest or if they are all hiding from the light in the coral. Anyone have any ideas about what they may be? I tried taking a picture but they're too small.
I gotta admit that my heart about stopped because I lost an old sailfin tang and new french angel to something that looked like ich last month but I'm fairly certain that these things are/were larger than any kind of disease, or am I wrong about that?
Any thoughts or information would be appreciated... Thanks


I took a flash light and just saw them too. What are they? They are really wiggly then they coil up and fall to the bottom. Then I saw it spring up and start wiggling again.:eek: :rolleyes:


New Member
thanks for the information. I went to some web sites and found alot of information about them and the life cycles. The only thing I didn't find was whether they are photosensitive and hid after the light came on or got eaten that quickly.


Active Member
I'm thinking they are copods also. Do like mousers68 did, after lights are off for awhile get a flashlight and look in the rocks and such----thats when they tend to come out, as well as other neat creatures----I am always looking just for the heck of it! I think I'm too addicted to this hobby! ;)