Something wierd came out of my LTA !!


I got a really cool looking LTA from my lfs it is about 4.5 inches round. The second day I had it this long brown string of stuff came out of it was that its waste or something else? Also sometimes it like deflates and becomes about have its normal size and the tentacles go limp whats up with that it goes right back to original size after a few minutes. I feed it shrimp and it pulled them in like cookie monster and divored it so I guess its ok.
Thanks for any info.
Anenomae belong tho the group Cnidaria. and as such have only one opening which sserves as both mouth and anus.
They are mostly water and can vary both their size and color by expelling or inflating with water.
The stringy stuff is waste, and the deflated cycle (i believe) has to do with the anenome's version of circulation.
I think that they close up to flush out waste and pump in fresh nutrients.
That is my belief and I am not some authority, but I have several.


It sounds like it was simply excreating waste. Inflating and deflating can be a normal process for that, as well as deflating during the nocturnal hours or for moving purposes. The only other thing is it could be expelling its zooxanthellae, which would be a bad thing.
It will want to be in a sand substrate, make sure your lighting is good enough to penitrate to the bottom of the tank. Meaty foods can be used 2 or 3 times per week, but light is its main diet.