Something wrong w/perc's


New Member
:notsure: :notsure: I have 2 percula clownfish. They have only been in my tank a week. Look healthy no obvious signs of disease. They a hovering in the backcorner of my tank and not eating for the last 2 days. Anyone have any suggestions? I know this is not good. My water seems fine
0 ammonia
0 nitrites
o nitrates
78 degrees
1.024 salinity
All my other fish seem fine, swimming around eating yellow angel, lyretail anthias, dottyback, yt damsel.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated, really hate to lose my clownfish. :help:


New Member
Don't think my damsel is harrassing them. I spent pretty much the last 2 days in front of my tank, trying to figure out what is wrong with them. Nobody seems to be bothering them. One of my clownfish seems to be breathing very rapidly now, this is not looking good.


once again i'm not a pro . but you may want to ,think it may be interal parsite. you feed them something bad. Gave a fish ,live food and killed them before. just a guess.


Active Member
Did you QT? I am finding out it's not only good to make sure you don't introduce any parasites into your tank, but a QT helps the newly arrived fish to clam down without being scared by other fish, even if they are not be harrased, just seeing them can scare them. Also, my two percs, even though they were in QT by themselves went three days without eating before they finally started to come around. Now they are like little sharks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Did you QT? I am finding out it's not only good to make sure you don't introduce any parasites into your tank, but a QT helps the newly arrived fish to clam down without being scared by other fish, even if they are not be harrased, just seeing them can scare them. Also, my two percs, even though they were in QT by themselves went three days without eating before they finally started to come around. Now they are like little sharks.

Solid advice!!