something wrong with my tang.


New Member
There seems to be something wrong with my brown tang. His fins are becoming all frayed. Any ideas or suggestions. He's been awesome until maybe 3 days ago.


Could be a couple things... Could be a disease or parasite, (a few will affect the fins), or it could be another fish picking on yours. Keep an eye on the other fish and post some pics. There are some SUPER knowledgeable people around here who have been at this a LONG time.

eric b 125

check out the fish disease forum. if you click on the first link, "diseases" there's a bunch of pics of different diseases and parasites, so you can maybe ID it there. if you click on the thread right under the "diseases" - Beth put a bunch of treatments together.


Active Member
jaime...How long have you had this tang, and what other fish are in the tank?


New Member
Well, we thought that maybe our other fish was biting at it, but I really don't think so. We have the brown tang, domino, lawnmower blenny and a porc. puffer. I know some of you are gonna say it's the puffer, but it's not. His fins actually look like the end of a tattered flag. Well I'm gonna look in the disease section. Thank you for responding.