I was questioning whether this was actually happening, but now I know for sure. My greenstar polyps in my tank have been slowly dimishing in my tank. I thought maybe some strange algae species was taking them out. I then noticed the frags of pulsing xenia I got from a friend slowly disappeared. I had a rock covered in blue xenia/cloves that was hidden on the bottom of the tank and then I moved it up to the top, it has been mowed over and 3/4 of the polyps are now gone. The worst offense yet is a frag of sunburst clove polyps purchased this weekend. (3 polyps for $20) and also now gone. That was an expensive snack! My tank inhabitants are a sailfin tang, clown fish, pink anthias, red fairy wrasse, lawnmover blenny, serpent star, coral banded shrimp, 4 peppermint shrimp, diadema urchin (my bets are on this guy). Any other ideas as to who might be eating my corals? Only seems to be xenia like corals/flowery corals.