somone please help


Active Member
i think my 24 nano cube is leaking but i have no idea where it is. it is going really slow though. my cube is on one of those steel cabinets and almost everyday or every few days i feel under the tank and it is sometimes wet. so i conclude that my 24 is leaking from the bottom, but the other side isnt wet. what should i do? it has 30 lbs of live rock with 20lbs of live sand and a lot of corals. what do you guys think?


Active Member
get a couple rubbermade tubs and place all of the tank contents into this for the time being . drain the tank completely remove filters and any other equipment.for this tank then place the empty tank onto a sturdy flat surface covered with newspaper(make sure outer surface id completely dried first) fill the thank with clean water let it is over nite if there are any leaks in the tank itself the newspaper will be wet if it remains dry it could be overspill from filters or other tank equipment.. how old is the tank ?is there a warentee on it still? glass or acrylic?maybe it can be sealed if glass if acrylic maybe an acryilic weld can be done.


Active Member
The 24g nanocubes are known for cracking, which is probably happening. I would email JBJ asap. They will send you another tank as long as you havent done any mods on the one you have. Good luck