Soon to be nanoist!


Active Member
I'm getting a used Red Max Sea 34g tank next weekend. That tank is only 8 months old. It has automatic topoff already installed and some other little enhancements. In other words I may only need to get new bulbs and chiller in the future.
So, what would be the best book(s) to have to guide me in this journey? We currently have a 20g QT, 75g reef and 150g reef, so we are not new to SW. But the size of the tank is a bit intimitading to me to say the least.
Any good tips?


Active Member
I dont see why everyone says it so hard to maintain parameters in nanos.
Ive had a 55, 30 and my 14 gal and to me the 14 adn the 30 were easier than the 55.
I feed my 14 and 30 heavy about 3 times a day and just do a weekly water changes and the ammonia and trates stay undectable. Easy to top off and overall NANO RULE! Ull find it to be one ur favs!
Wat fish u gonna get?


Active Member
I'm wanting to make the nano a FOWLF and get a few tangs

Seriously, probably a pair of gobies and a pair of Picasso Clowns. That should do it for me. I'm mainly going to have zoa's and paly's in there.


yea, shouldnt be to hard. i had much more luck with my 28 gallon nano when it was setup, only natural filtration. now i have a 58 that is a pain in the you know....
just make sure you keep the salinity right, shouldnt be to hard for you since you have an ATO


Active Member
Looking forward to seeing it setup, your other tanks are beautiful
If I remember correctly the redsea has t5's? That will be great for zoas and palys, the colors will really pop. I wonder if you will need a chiller, that would kind of stink but you may not even need it. I guess it will need to run for awhile to see if it does indeed need one. Good luck, and don't skimp on pictures.


Active Member
Everyone skimps n pics on here.
Me and Blazin have got to be the ppl who post pics of there tanks the most lol. Me or him are putin new pics up almost consantly!


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Looking forward to seeing it setup, your other tanks are beautiful
If I remember correctly the redsea has t5's? That will be great for zoas and palys, the colors will really pop. I wonder if you will need a chiller, that would kind of stink but you may not even need it. I guess it will need to run for awhile to see if it does indeed need one. Good luck, and don't skimp on pictures.

Thank you for the compliments

You are probably right that there won't be heat issues with that light. Currently it has 10k lights. This tank will go upstairs in my office and we keep that floor at 75F. I'm also going to put the frag tank in my office as well.


Active Member
Can I move in with u? Ull need help taking care of those tanks and I could help w the twins? Id also get a job and umm pay bills...
Oh yeah and I gotta bring my 3 tanks as well


Active Member
look into a aurora goby a apir would be nice as well.. not a sand sifter but what a beautiful fish. i had one in my 90 untill i think a parsite wouldnt let it keep food in its stomach..

we will all be wating on some pics!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
look into a aurora goby a apir would be nice as well.. not a sand sifter but what a beautiful fish. i had one in my 90 untill i think a parsite wouldnt let it keep food in its stomach..

we will all be wating on some pics!
Sorry for your loss

I Googled him and that is a beautiful Goby. I may try to hunt it down online or see if one of my LFS could get me one pair up with a Pistol Shrimp. I love seeing a pair like that work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanLover
How come you don't talk about your bowfront tank? I think they are great looking.
It's a FW tank with just some typical fish, nothing earth shattering :) I do like that tank and I tried to talk hubby into turning it into a Mantis tank, but he didn't go for it. We have that in our bedroom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
It's a FW tank with just some typical fish, nothing earth shattering :) I do like that tank and I tried to talk hubby into turning it into a Mantis tank, but he didn't go for it. We have that in our bedroom.
Go Planted!
make your fw tank a planted tank.. i have one and its a 20 gallon long.. i love it just as much as my reef! it looks awesome with a bunch of schooling fish.. aka rasboras,carindals.. etc.
i think you may have seen my planted tank b4? i posted a thread in the aquarium part and when it is clean it looks really good
did you get the nano yet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
Go Planted!
make your fw tank a planted tank.. i have one and its a 20 gallon long.. i love it just as much as my reef! it looks awesome with a bunch of schooling fish.. aka rasboras,carindals.. etc.
i think you may have seen my planted tank b4? i posted a thread in the aquarium part and when it is clean it looks really good
did you get the nano yet?
Yes, I remember seeing your planted tank and it looked awesome! I have some of the typical plants in there, but I wouldn't call it planted by any means :) One of the best purchases for that tank was a Pleco... that sucker keeps the tank glass clean!
I'm getting my nano next weekend when we have our monthly reef club meeting. Can't wait!