Sorry no time to search Lion not eating hasn't ate in a week


New Member
Ok i'm not sure whats up other than he is dying i'm sure of this but my lion will not eat even when hand fed this just started happening so i thought maybe it was nothing well today and yesterday he won't hardly even move HELP :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
what kind of lion? what size tank?> what are you water parameters? whats you salinity? what are the tankmates?? answr as many of those plus some more you can think of and we can narrow downw hat might be wrong weith him


New Member
75 gal salinaty a little high doing a water change now to bring it down little by little tank mats hawkfish grouper damsel, unicorn tang maybe a ltitle over crowded but was fine till this week havn't tested water yet today will do that in a bit the salinaty is like 1.30 oh yeah volation lion had an urchin die the other day but every other tankmate seems fine i'm worried this is my second lion and first problem can't think right now of anything to add i've got like a million things going on right now and this is just one of them i'll answer questions to help figure this out but can't think of anything else like i said i'll do a test in the next couple hours actually have to run for a meeting for an hour or two as soon as i'm back i'll test and post the results thanks for any idea's now oh yeah ive been feeding silversides be back in a couple hours btw he hasnt moved from upside down behind a rock poor little guy is worring me and he is around 7 inches maybe a little less


that's pretty hard to read, take a few breaths and try using paragraphs...looks like the salinity is a little high for starters, and a tang, grouper, volitan, and a hawkfish is a pretty big load for a 75
EDIT: also what is the size of each of these fish?


Active Member
Yes, very hard to read that.
So you had 1 lion die so you bought another one?
Your tank is WAY over stocked for sure. Please post your ammonia, nitrite, niTrate levels etc.


Originally Posted by hot883
Yes, very hard to read that.
So you had 1 lion die so you bought another one?
Your tank is WAY over stocked for sure. Please post your ammonia, nitrite, niTrate levels etc.
These readings are very important, also how long have you had this fish?


New Member
sorry was in a big hurry. Starting retail business so i'm hurried alot. anyway no have not had a volation die never actually had any problems with lionfish. The thing is he looks good and healthy except now he is hiding under the live rock and hasn't eaten in a week and seems to refuse to eat. I am about to go test the paramaters i'm sure the nitrates are high always have been with no ill effects the fish has been in my tank well over a year with high nitrates. The bio load is high and i'm working on removing the grouper as he has since aquisition out grown the tank which was anticipated. The unicorn tang is only 4-5 inches the hawkfish appears to be full grown at 3-4 inches. normal water parameter are usually good except nitrates but i'm upgrading bio filtration soon. ok going to test water right now i'll repost in about 15 mins the results
as i stated earlier i know the bioload is too much so please lets not beat a dead horse i realize that is a problem but hasn't proved to be the problem as he has been fine with these tankmates for more than six months. ok i'll repost in 15


New Member
Ok readings almost as expected and same as always: PH 8.0-8.2 little high?
nitrite NO2 0 Amonia NH3 NH4 0-0.25 ppm Nitrates NO3 off the chart like always so i understand the nitrate level is a problem need some sort of phosphate spong or something i'm going to be trying to do a fuge or bioball filtration upgrade so unless this is a parasite or something maybe the nitrates have finally caught up with me although all the other fish are quite content and eat fine. infact the grouper was trying to eat my finger as i'm testing.
So seems to me the ph is maybe a little high and nitrates sky high and I understand that. i've increased the sandbed the only thing i can think to do is a whole bunch of water changes over the next few weeks and add a nice protien skimmer, again that'll wait till tax returns. same as upgrading filtration. however as stated above these readings are nowhere near suprising to me these have almost always been the numbers which had led me to buy a new nitrate test kit and i can't seem to find the test powder when i locate it i'll test with that. what lead me to a new test kit was the fact that my inverts are all fine and have been. Nitrates normally kill snails first correct? my snails are fine aside from the occasional hawkfish attack.
so here is what i know i need to do. plenty o' water changes. Decrease bioload mainly the grouper and tang. then increase filtration and skimming. other than these things any ideas on getting him to eat now or is he doomed to die? just and an fyi the water movement is excellent lots of movement i had calculated it but have since forgtotten i have three good sized powerheads moving alot of water over the liverock to make up for my crap filtration system which as i said i'm looking to upgrade
I can understand the confusing on my first post the urchin died last week i was under the impression that they emit a poison upon death. like i said was in huge hurry then again sorry for the confusing post. i wrote that f'd up post in like 1-2 mins. sorry


Active Member
if your nitrates are off the chart.
A) im not suprised witht hose fish in a 75 gallon
B) i dont think you need to look any further theres your problem right there..
what kind of skimmer do you have? do you have a refugium and sump or what are you running?


New Member
well bioload is now decreased the lion fish is now deceased
he has taking the final flush to fishy heaven i lost my favorite fish this is the first fish i've lost in years he must have gotten a parasite he just died in the last few hours i moved the rocks from which he was lying under and he was dead. well there may be a silver lining to this i can now remove the grouper and get some small fish again like the banji cardnial but would have to remove the hawkfish and damsel first damn i almost wished the lion or grouper would have eaten all my damsels but they left one. well i appriciate all your help on this an still open to any suggestions i may just empty the tank and re-establish it. at this point i'm very upset but at least he is no longer suffering.


New Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
if your nitrates are off the chart.
A) im not suprised witht hose fish in a 75 gallon
B) i dont think you need to look any further theres your problem right there..
what kind of skimmer do you have? do you have a refugium and sump or what are you running?

The nitrates were off the charts with two fish in after cycling so i'm guessing the test kit is flawed i do remeber testing with the other kit and came to around 20 vs the other testing at over 100
one of them is wrong i've tested my source water all things are zero. I won't embarrass myself with my filtrration stats as they are embarrassing espicially from a non-"noob" i've done this for well over 8 years now and my filtration took a poop on me then i got laid off couldn't repair or replace the system so make your assumptions from that.


How long did you have the lion?
What have you been feeding? Just the silversides? Any Vitamins?
Were the eyes cloudy?
What size was your Lion?
Though nitrates could do this, so could stress, diet, bacterial and so......


Active Member
i mean if he didnt have good filtration he obviouslt had trates, trites, ammonia etc, etc...
especially witht hat bvioload and no skimmer or not a big one for those fish esp. in a 75 gallon tank


i mean if he didnt have good filtration he obviouslt had trates, trites, ammonia etc, etc...especially witht hat bvioload and no skimmer or not a big one for those fish esp. in a 75 gallon tank
I totally agree with you on the tank, I just want to hear more, especially on the diet. Especially when it comes to lions there seems to be that cut off point on the diet and the age of the fish.


New Member
he was around a year old and had been doing silversides with some vitamins i think i know what happend now i had been away on business and the person that was supposed to feed and care for my fish for the week neglected to come by and feed them because they were in a car accident i'm not sure why the other fish didn't suffer from this but i've narrowed it down to this
as his eyes were clear and he showed no signs of any illness in fact when i flushed him down i could have sworn he was still alive with the exception of his lack of life. if that makes sense my amonia and nitrites are very low only readings i've been getting high rates of was trates and even then it varied widely between test kits i know everyone on here is convinced that this hobby is a science that takes a huge undertaking i've been doing this for years and for as long as i've had test kits nitrates have been the only high readings and i've not lost one fish due to this i've had ick in the past of course who in any fish related hobby hasn't. my snails thrive and reporduce just fine find eggs all the time yea i may have a little more algea than most but my fish with the exception of the lion have all eaten fine and been can't say happy cause really how can you tell with a fish but i've only had maybe 2-4 fish die on me in the entire 8 years i've been doing this. other than the occasional eating of a fish by another this by no streach is the heaviest bioload i've had. for instance successfully though obviously wouldn't recomend this but kept in a 39 gallon tank a porc puffer and a dogface puffer and a couple other fish of decent size i'm not trying to desuade your points i agree that bioload should be carefully watched but i do think that some people use it as gosple that you can't "overstock" a tank which past experiecne has proven to me you can without desasterious results i'm not trying to be arguementative just giving another point of view or opinion if you will. oh yeah i'm not a english major either so please avoid telling me my punctuation is bad or i should use paragraphs it's a message board not a university. ok well my back really hurts probably why i'm being so "angry" i don't feel i am but i'm sure someone will take this the wrong way and give me all kinds of grief over it. anyway i am proof that with little money and minor upkeep saltwater fish is damn near as easy as freshwater in fact all my freshies died of ick last year sometime this SW tank is up and has been for 2 years now with only one death. i mean you have to expect animals to cope with some stuff look at the millions of gallons of waste and pullutants dumped in our oceans every year obviously the conditions of the actually ocean aren't the best for the survival of the inhabitants but they survive none the less. i'm not saying my way is better or even advised but i am saying well i don't know what i'm saying i'm just saying it. :notsure: but things don't always have to be perfect and i'm living proof and so is my grouper my tang my hawkfish my damsel my hermit crabs and my snails. I am chalking this one up to my friend not feeding him for the period of time i was gone. as my nitrates have always remained the same with no problems even with my last lion which i had for two years and finally sold with the hummu hummu tankmate. THIS IS NOT MEANT AS AN ARGUMENT ALTHOUGH I'M SURE SOMEONE WILL UNDOUBTEDLY ARGUE WITH ME.


he was around a year old and had been doing silversides with some vitamins
Lions need a variety of food in their diet, like, Raw Shrimp, Crab, Scallops, prawns and so on. Lions need Iodine, feeding a variety of food will offer this in their diets.
Silversides are fatty, feeding a staple diet of silversides can cause fatty liver degeneration.
i had been away on business and the person that was supposed to feed and care for my fish for the week neglected to come by and feed them because they were in a car accident i'm not sure why the other fish didn't suffer from this but i've narrowed it down to this
Lions can go 4 - 5 weeks without food, they should be fed every 2-3 days, over feeding or feeding daily should be avoided, it is not healthy for a lion. I hope you friend is doing OK.
Though I am unable to say what happened to your lion, Feeding the proper diet is some times overlooked yet it is very important, it may have been a combination of both, diet and water quality.
IMO - I really don't feel people want to argue about your tank, as much as they want to Help. Proper husbandry, Proper Diet, Filtration, Substrate and so on......... all of these play a role and have a place in this hobby and in our tanks. I am not new to this hobby, but when it comes to learning, I will always be a newbie.
I agree that was ....... ***)


New Member
I completely agree with always being able to learn things always up to hear other idea's no problem with that. I guess i was merely pointing out that (i've been on here a while this is my third account as i've somewhere along the line lost my other two lmao) it seems like some people on here are more worried about "standards" and while this is often the best way is not the only way how do we know what not to do if we only do whats advised. The argument i'm sure will be whats advised usually comes from expereience with what not to do and am aware of this but i just like a fresh point of view every now and then. I guess it's me but sometimes people and believe me i understand be pationate about things people actually (not this time however) tend to actually get rather mean about they're ideas and almost consider some to be complete idiots for stating anything different. I completely understand and think that being firm in your stance is one thing but being condecinding about it is just rude like i said i didn't feel it this time just trying to avoid it. Well since this has completely taken a turn away from fish i'll end this now by saying to all of you for your advice and thoughts Thank you ever so much I guess we'll never now what killed mr. lionfish (my daughter named him) could have been my neglect in seeing to his speacial needs (i've had a lion before with absolutely the worst diet goldfish lived for 2 years maybe longer i sold him) Maybe he was just doomed from the beginning. But again thanks to all of you who gave they're opinion and heres to happy fish