sorta OT: Roy


If you don't know Roy from the famous Siegfried and Roy act was mauled by one of his tigers a few days ago. The reason I am posting this is to ask some of you guys out there that either care for big sharks, big eels, or very venomous fish (stonefish) or dive with them on a regular basis if you think that this is partly his fault. I am not trying to be mean spirited at all, but the way I look at it is you can never ever let your guard down when working with natural born killers such as tigers or sharks. I love sharks and big cats for that matter but like it or not nature has made them some of the most effective killing machines in the world. I hope he pulls through but I think this just goes to show that it takes a special kind of person to work with predators.


I could have swore that they (or Siegfield atleast) made an anouncement insisting that it WASN'T the cats fault. So they're not blaming it on the cats. They've also accepted the risk knowing it was a risk. Their safety record pretty much speaks for its self. First time an accidents happaned at all... and they've been doing this for decades. Deffinately hope he heals up!


IMO, it was without a doubt, his fault. If I get nailed by one of my sharks, because I choose to get into the tank, that's my fault, not the sharks.
Can you see the look on the doctors face in the E.R. when I tell them I was bitten by a shark in Colorado? hehe After they stitched up, they'd send me to a nice, white, padded room.:D
I agree with Daniel411 though, they knew what they were getting into before hand.

tony detroit

Active Member
It's a risk you take. Play with 400lb cats and eventually you're gonna get bit. It sucks for him, but it's a risk you take.
It's like the guy at the car wash in the winter. Play with water and eventually you're gonna get wet.
I heard on the way to work this morning on the radio that the cat dragged him off stage like a mother dragging one of her kittens. They are saying now that it was showing that the cat felt bad/wrong for what it had done.


You can take the animal out of the wild but you can’t take the wild out of the animal. On a latter note I read a story about a "self-taught" bear expert in Alaska who was once quoted as saying that Alaska's Grizzlies are harmless, was fatally mauled this past week.