Sound barrier


Sound barrier
I am setting up a new tank and was wondering if there was something that I could put inside my stand and canopy that would deaden the sound of water flowing (whether into my sump,skimmer or overflows)?


Active Member
Im sure you could use some type of styrofome insulation from your hardware store to help with excess noise.


Active Member
There is a material sold specifically for noise deadening. It's used in the automotive audio industry to try to keep the noise from stereos in and roads out.
It's called "Dynamat." The name brand stuff is freaky expensive, but you should be able to find some knock off brands that work just as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
There is a material sold specifically for noise deadening. It's used in the automotive audio industry to try to keep the noise from stereos in and roads out.
It's called "Dynamat." The name brand stuff is freaky expensive, but you should be able to find some knock off brands that work just as well.
I was going to suggest that also as i have some of this stuff in my attic but i only thought it was used to damped the vibrations on parts of your car such as your doors and trunk and not to actually produce a sound barrier.


Active Member
I've not used the stuff myself, but I've heard of people using it in conference rooms and theatre rooms to deaden sound transfer out of the room.
Googling dynamat returns results that seem to say the same thing... I can't say myself for sure, I'm sure if the OP is interested then proper research will yield the answer.


Active Member
I did some reading on there site about it and apparently is does also act as a sound barrier and not just a vibration damper so it would more then likely work.


Active Member
You can also search out Sound attenuation Insulation. Its a batt type of insulation typically faced on one side used in commercial buildings to help reduce noise either in walls, celings or floors. Owens Corning, Certainteed and possibly G.A.F. make the product, its considerably cheaper than Dynamat although not as effective, but your not trying to silence a sub-woofer, just water. Just a thought... HTH.


They work surprisingly well.
I'll be building my own stand here soon and my plan is to take hard styrofoam (sp?) and put softer, stuffing material on the outside of that and rap it up in some sort of fabric and glue it all around the inside of my stand.


Active Member
The simplest solution may be to fix the sources of the noise I have a 55g in my living room that is a room divider and my sump sits on the floor next to the tank so making sure it is quiet was a priority for me and I have to say it is almost dead silent. So inside of a cabinet I don't think you could here it at all.


Originally Posted by Airforceman
They work surprisingly well.
I'll be building my own stand here soon and my plan is to take hard styrofoam (sp?) and put softer, stuffing material on the outside of that and rap it up in some sort of fabric and glue it all around the inside of my stand.
Yoga mats?! Seriously?
It's funny you mentioned that because I was shopping last night and saw some and I was wondering about putting them under the sump to help reduce vibration from the pump and skimmer.


Active Member
i wouldnt bother with the stuff from owens corning or or insulation companies most of that stuff is just reuular insulation that hasnt been tested for an R-value so its a cheaper product used in ******** walls with the tested stuff is used in exterior walls where the law dictates how much r-value u have to have.


Dynamat and other asphalt "dampening" materials do well with low frequency vibration. They do not do well with mid range "sound".
Standard polyurethane foam (eggcrate) and fiberglass insulation products are also (of the most part) fairly transparent to sound in the range we are concerned with.
You can search for "melamine" foam sound absorbing products. You will get MUCH better performance per thickness out of those products (in the freq. range we are dealing with).


Originally Posted by bkvreef
Yoga mats?! Seriously?
It's funny you mentioned that because I was shopping last night and saw some and I was wondering about putting them under the sump to help reduce vibration from the pump and skimmer.
I know that's what I thought the first time I saw it.
I think it was someone from this board or another board but they did put yoga mats inside the stand in the sump/fuge area and said it works just as good even better that the industrial car audio blockage systems. And all at a huge fraction of the cost too.