Sound Check for Beginner


I had a nearly total whipe-out due to an ick infestation about 4 months ago, so I bought a 20 gal quarantine tank and restarted after leaving the display tank without fish for one month. Here's what I have as of now:
125 gal fish only with 3" live sand and 60 lbs live rock
plan to add 10 lbs live rock each month
Fluval FX5 canister filter
Koralia 3 powerhead
Powersweep 228 rotating powerhead
1 cinnamon clown (only survivor of ick)
1 heniochus bannerfish 3 1/2" (in display 3 weeks)
2 cleaner shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
15 snails
6 small (red leg) hermits
3 or 4 emerald crabs
1 Sally lightfoot, but I haven't seen in weeks
2 cleaner clams (buried in sand?)
I have 2 smaller bannerfish (2" each) in the QT that will move to the display in about 2 weeks. After that, I'll buy 1 fish for the QT where I'll keep it 1 month. I would like a Yellow Tang, but I've read that Tangs are susceptable to Ick. I think a Powder Blue Tang brought the ick in previously. Are YT's ok so long as they go thru the 1 month QT? I also like Angelfish and Butterflys - any suggestions on which might work well for a beginner? My water is at 1.024 salinity, 8.4 PH, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 20 Nitrate. I've had a reverse osmosis unit for about a month (formerly used tap thru Brita filter + Ultimate water conditioner) and plan to do 20% water changes every other week. Anything else I should do? Also, the shrimp are great. Are there other types that will go well with the cleaners and coral banded or should I just get more of the same? Thanks

saka bra

you dont have nearly enogh filtration and flow for that tank. I would highly recomend getting a sump. cuz in my first year i didnt have one, but now i do and it is buch more beneficial to keep all filters below tank. you need a protein skimmer, probably the most important peice of equipment.
my equipment: my tank is 150 gallon
in my 20 gallon sump i have
-rated 200 gallon coralife protein skimmer
-emperor 65 power filter( use it for carbon purposes)
-fluval 305 canister filter
-little giant return pump
in my tank i have
-120 lbs of live argonite sand
->200lbs of live rock
-2 koralia 4 powerheads (really good for flow and water movement)
-one rio 1400 powerhead


how much LR can I add and at what frequency so that I don't stress the system? Can I do 5 pounds per week or 10 every other week?

saka bra

ive never had a problem adding rock or at least i dont think so, my fish never showed it. but 10lbs/week should be fine.

small triggers

Active Member
As long as it is FULLY cured and personally I would do a fresh water dip before i added it (to make sure there arent any hitchikers), there wont be a problem. Make sure to buy it from a reliable source though. Sometimes buying it online even though its fully cured when they mail it to you, sitting out of water for 2 or 3 days can cause a mini cycle so id be careful if you have to go that route and use a 5 gallon bucket with new saltwater in it and a powerhead and keep it in there for a few days to make sure its cured before putting it in your tank. New cured live rock wont 'stress' your system.