Southdown in My fuge

reef fool

Active Member
I set up a 50 gal. refugium and added 150 lbs of southdown sand to it. (Filled the tank w/ water first!)
It has remained cloudy/milky for 3 days now and I was wondering what you all have done in this case to clear up the water? I tried running an aquaclear 200 w/ a sponge and some 50 micron filter fabric, but it is still milky white. I am running a small PH and have the temp up to 80 also. Any ideas?
I am not hooking it into the main system until I get the water cleared up and the fuge levels stabilized. I am also going to add 1" of LS and some LR wich will be completely cured and functioning in a large reef system prior to purchase.


Active Member
Let it settle, don't filter. Those sand particles that make the tank "milky" are very beneficial for surface area etc....

reef fool

Active Member
Is it because of my running a PH that it is remaining milky? I am in no rush to hook it up, but I don't want that stuff in my display!
Also, Should I add the LS to it now, while it is still cloudy?


I have added 100lbs of Southdown to my tank and it has been a week now, still cloudy/milky. I asked the LFS owner and he said anyway you go rinse, rinse, rinse before adding. I did this and still clouded the water. I do not mind waiting because I know the benifits but this is getting crazy! This is my first try with southdown and I am reestablishing my tank from my move. I added live sand as well and it has helped the cloudiness a little. I guess we will see what happen in another week or so. Look forward to any good replys on this subject...